This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-02-20 23:00:00 to 2020-02-24 00:00:00. View results
Make a game by combining two or more games.
Most of the best games exist by combining different parts of other games in ways that are meaningful together.
It's okay for your game to evolve past the initial inspirations, that's what this is about. Feel free to take influence from other sources, and don't feel you need to adhere perfectly to both games. It's about taking aspects of them that work well together.
Spelunky was created by combining aspects of the rougelike genre with a platformer. It's commonly considered one of the strongest influences for the modern rougelike and most of the games that combine the two genres.
Chompston combines the maze and ghost dot collecting gameplay of pacman with bombermans abilities.
Concept - How strong is the idea behind the game?
Execution - How well was the idea pulled off? Did it succeed at the jams objective?
Polish - Does everything work smoothly or do does your character clip off of ledges and glitch through the wall.
Feel/Style/Atmosphere - The criteria for this will vary from game to game, but the essence of it is "does the game do well to convey a feeling ?" Be it fun, horror or anything abstract.
All areas for judging are voted on openly so remember to vote on some entries when the time comes!
Q: When do I make the game? When do I submit?
A: The jam period should appear at the top of the page. Once it begins, you make the game and submit all within the jam period. Once it's over, you'll have a few days to play and rate other games.
Q: "Game should be created within the time period", what does that mean?
A: The project should be started and finished within the time limit. Reusing bits of code, assets and sound are all fine for this jam. What's not fine is just reworking an old project. This is about creating something new.
You can use tools to help you however! Such as BFXR, a tool for creating sound effects very quickly:
Q: Is there a theme?
A: Right now there are no plans for a theme.
Q: I have a question the strawman didn't ask, how do I ask you?
A: Near the top of the page there is a "Community" section, you can create posts there.
As a bonus, I'll be sending out an email to all who joined the jam promoting some of the best games if the quality is high enough. I'll give people some time post jam period to improve/rework/polish their games before sending out the email so if your interested in being featured, let me know post jam period (in or shortly after the judging period).
For what it's worth, I may also give a shout out on this twitter account I recently started dedicated to documenting interesting game mechanics: