This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-10-17 22:00:00 to 2021-10-31 23:00:00. View results

Welcome! In this jam you get two weeks to make a horror game or more specifically and if you wish a lovecraftian one. An additional criteria that your game must follow will be announced at the start of the jam. 

Make a horror game without jumpscares.

The entries will be rated by UnboundBread. The winner will receive $30, most likely via way of steam. The runners-up may or may not get a prize themselves, depending on how good their submission is. The games will be rated in 3 categories

  • Entertainment: How much fun does one have playing your game?
  • Relevance to the theme: Whether your game follows the criteria and whether it even is a proper horror game.
  • Playability: Make sure your game is reasonably polished.

Rules: Every proper competition has a couple rules, so does this one. If your game doesn't follow all of them it may be removed at the end of the submission period:

  • Games must be made within the given time frame and follow the criteria. You are however allowed to use assets made beforehand, given that you don't simply remake an older game of yours.
  • Used assets must be credited. You are free to use assets and work in teams but please always give proper credits to anyone who contributed to your game. Those should be visible in your game and your description on itch.
  • Games must be playable on Windows 10. You can always upload more than one build, but please make sure your game is playable on either Windows 10 or inside the browser.
  • This jam is considered exclusive. In order to avoid spam entries you are not allowed to submit your game to other jams. If you wish to be excluded from this rule, you may ask me in my discord, BEFORE submitting.
  • Be mindful of others. Don't make games meant to bully or harass other people, either individuals or groups.

This jam is being hosted by the Creator's Campfire discord server, which you can join here: If you have any questions about the jam feels free to ask. Here you can also look for other people to work together on the jam if you want.


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Explore a Lovecraftian Tomb, find artifacts and live to uncover the maddening truth, or succumb trying.
been there before: interactive text adventure with audio
Search the evil god