This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-11-19 18:30:00 to 2023-12-03 18:30:00. View 4 entries

What is ByteWizard Jam ?

ByteWizard jam is an exhilarating game development competition where participants of all skill levels come together to design, create, and present their very own video games. The core essence of this jam  is to challenge your creativity and problem-solving abilities within a limited timeframe.

Why join ByteWizard Jam?

Join our discord server





ByteWizard Jam FAQ

Q. Can i join with a team or solo?

Ans: yes, you can join the jam solo or with team, Team of maximum FOUR member is allowed

Q. How the cash prize is distributed?

Ans: from the top 2 of the voted games, so make sure to rate as much game as possible. that'll also increase the chances of your game getting rated.

Q. What if i miss the deadline?

Ans: Reach out to us on our discord, we may be able to help if you are not "tooo late"

Q. Can I submit a game that I've been working on before the jam??

Ans: No, ByteWizard Jam encourages participants to create new games during the jam period. Submissions should be started and completed within the specified timeframe.

Q. I have a question that's not answered here. How can I get in touch?

Ans: join our Discord community for real-time assistance.

Q. What do i do with the theme?

Ans: you're welcome to interpret the theme however you want as long as your game has something that justifies the theme, we're fine with it :)

Q. Do my team mates needs to join the jam separately?

Ans: YES, your teammates must join the jam, but the submission shall be done by one memeber only, the member who is submiiting the game, must have other member of the team added as contributors in their project.


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Let's escape reality for a moment, shall we?
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Game Jam
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Escape the earth
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