This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-01-01 05:00:00 to 2024-04-01 04:00:00. View results

It's Jamuary once again. And that means the actual play TTRPG podcast, The Rolled Standard is gearing up to play the Sci-Fi tabletop role-playing game, Vast Grimm. So we want your goofiest, weirdest, and strangest ideas for adventures, classes, NPCs, factions, creatures, and adventures to find their way onto the page.

The dark of space is haunting, it’s vile, it’s maddening, it is the haven for the demons of the space age, for the carriers of Wurms, For the Will of Fatuma. In a time of interstellar space freighters rusted from centuries resting derelict in asteroid belts filthy with detritus, In a place where ravenous clans of mercenaries parading around as pirates or clowns fight for salvage and gig work for would be crime lords, this Volatile ‘Verse grows hungrier by the day, and with each passing cycle, it’s teeth sink deeper in. These teeth, These Boundless Torments, can there be someone strong enough to break free through The Gate of Infinite Stars? Or have they dug too deep for there to be any hope left?

The campaign run from these submissions will be an open sandbox. But as Shit King Saule always says, "I WANT YOUR $H!T". so whatever you make, we want it! 

The  Vast Grimm campaign will air starting in the fall of 2024 and many of the submitted entries will be included in gameplay!

Here's what we need: Everything and anything! We want you to create something you are inspired to make. It could be a starship and what is inside, or a space station, maybe it is a new sentient alien species or some nasty creature that a Legion could encounter. We left this jam themeless so that you can bring any idea to the party.

If you have any questions as to anything involving the Boundless Torments Jam or submissions, feel free to reach out to Gaffy, or the co-creator Brian Colin on Discord.

  • Submissions must be supplemental content for the Vast Grimm ttRPG
  • Pages should be A5 size with .125" bleed on all sides. Here is a folder with PDF and JPG templates for both single-page and 2-page spreads.
  • Don't forget to credit the 3rd party license for Vast Grimm and for MÖRK BORGWe will need a separate file after the jam with the legal info removed. We will add that on a single page in the compiled zine.
  • Assets generated by ai such as images or writings are strictly prohibited. Submissions found to have ai made assets will be removed from the final pdf/zine with the user being disqualified from winning any prizes. For those that use ai, think of this as an opportunity to either learn new ways to find or make fun visuals or maybe reach out to an artist for a collaboration.  

All entries that follow the rules below will be compiled into a zine on DriveThruRPG. All proceeds from the purchases will go directly to Doctors Without Borders. None of the money will touch our hands, it will get sent from DTRPG.  To be included in the collected digital/printed zine, you must provide finished hi-res PDFs with no legal information on them. Legal will be collected into one location to keep the zine as sexy as possible.  We will ask for these files after the Jam concludes.

Judges will place each submission into 2 of the four following categories. Prizes will be given for each category. 

  • Most Vast
  • Most Grimm
  • Most Rolled 
  • Most Standard 

Vast, Grimm, and Rolled will be randomly selected. Standard will be voted on by Brian Colin (co-creator of Vast Grimm). Each entrant can only receive one category prize.

All entrants who submit a mailing address will receive an official Game Jam patch sent to them.

Vast Grimm Writing Style Guide –

Vast Grimm Horde Logo Files –

Video on how to make Vast Grimm art from stock photos
How to make Vast Grimm artClick the image orwatch video here.

Public Domain Tools

Public Domain Review

Writes articles about different items within the public domain. Articles link to different sites hosting the public domain images. Articles typically notes images that aren’t public domain used within the articles

Old Book Illustrations

Hosts mostly isolated images from works within the public domain. Great resource for medical images.

Online Museums 

When using online museums, be sure to use Copyright Claim/Usage Rights filters and always double check the museum’s entry on the piece.

Copyright Claim 0

Keep a watchful eye when using these sites, as the ads google analytics runs on their site tend to look like more images on the current page


A site for uploading free use photos. Users are able to tip photographers for their work


Used for people to share photography of flora and fauna. Be sure to use the copyright claim filter in order to use 


Hosts cc0 photos. Paid subscription comes with new images with a separate usage license. 

Stock Art

Often stock art will have extra steps or rules involving its usage. Be sure to thoroughly read and follow any copyright claim rules and limitations. Make sure that any legal text for your solo entry is easily legible and easily verifiable (hold onto receipts and the like). Also refrain from using CC work referring to single-user limitations unless you can follow up with the artist for permission on the print run. A common CC rule to look out for is the restrictions on editing the image, keep this in mind before planning any photobashing/post production work. TTRPG Art Asset Jame Made to encourage creators to use stock art in place of ai, this jam had submissions that allow creators of any budget to have assets for fleshing out their works. Mostly fantasy art but there’s also some sci-fi along with things like fonts and textures.

AI Usage for this Jam

Assets generated by AI such as images or writings are strictly prohibited for this jam. Submissions found to have AI made assets will be removed from the final pdf/zine with the user being disqualified from winning any prizes. For those that use ai, think of this as an opportunity to either learn new ways to find or make fun visuals or maybe reach out to an artist for a collaboration.


All submissions

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a Vast Grimm adventure
Dice based for use with Vast Grimm or other sci-fi TTRPGs
Supplemental Rules for the Vast Grimm TTRPG
Wild Growth is all about the Wild Knights and Druids. Beware the wurms.
A techno organic mystery, born from the minds of a dead civilization. Death radiates from it.
A Vast Grimm adventure, a twisted take on the Queen of Hearts from “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”
A beastly encounter for Vast Grimm
A grotesque one-shot for Vast Grimm
A one shot based in the Vast Grimm universe.
Role Playing
A new playable class for Vast Grimm
A playable Vast Grimm class worthy of your ire.
An old god in the Vast Grimm 'verse has come back to help fight the infection.
Horrors from the depths of space for Vast Grimm
New challenges, enemies, and adventure ideas for Vast Grimm.
Subclass and Vending Machines
You are a Mechanical Embryo Lifesupport automaton created to give new life the best chance at an uncorrupted start
A diabolical NPC for the Vast Grimm Verse!
2024 VG Jam Submission: a new class for Vast Grimm ttrpg.
New alien race, NPCs, items, and bazaar stall generator for Vast Grimm
Role Playing
Dangerous D4 Roll for Vast Grimm