This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-08-04 16:00:00 to 2023-08-07 17:00:00. View results


Bornhack 2023 Gamejam!

Wouldn't it be fun to make a video game?

It's pretty simple:

1. The theme is announced (at this event)
2. Make a small video game before the deadline.
3. Play the other game submissions and vote for a winner!


- You must be present at Bornhack 2023 to participate.
- Work together in any group size. (Reccommended: 1-3)
- Spend as little or as much time as you want. It's okay to take breaks!
- Your game must fit the theme in some way, but feel free to interpret it however you want.


- Try to make a very small game! If you're anything like me, you always have more ideas than time.
- Use whatever tools you want. We'll also accept board games, badge games or pixelflut games.
- Browser games are always popular. It's so quick and easy to open and play a web game.
- Come down to the camp, if you need a place to jam. We have a free coffee!


All submissions
Browser playable (5)

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You play as the snake in your network switch
Play in browser
Play in browser
Visual Novel
Play in browser
Play in browser
Save the network from the hackers by unplugging the port that is blinking
Luck is not a factor when you have _skills_
Web game, geo hunting on the mobile phone
Play in browser