This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-07-01 12:30:00 to 2022-07-08 03:00:00. View results

What is Bit-Byte?

Bit Byte is a game jam about making a game with a reduced colour palette. There are three themes to chose from and your allowed to pick as many as you want! However the setting is required and is where your game takes place. After the allotted time is over everyone gets to vote on who made the best game based with these categories; Colour Palette,  Fun / Gameplay, Art, Music and SFX, Theme(s) and Setting. Remember to rate people based on how well implemented a theme and not how many they have. Setting is reveled early and themes are reveled the day of the jam. 


  •  On Vacation!


  • Chaos 
  • Just Relax
  • The Player is Dizzy (Vertigo)


  • Your game is allowed to use 3 colours for intractable objects and 1 extra colour for the background.
  • Your colour palette can shift as long as there are only 4 colours on screen at any time.
  • You can use assets you have the right to use.
  • Squads are allowed! (Max team size 4)
  • No Politics!
  • Keep it PG-13! (No NSFW content)
  • It is preferred that your game is  web based 
