This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-10-01 04:00:00 to 2024-11-03 03:59:00. View 19 entries

The gates stand battered and weary, holding back the terrors of a dark realm beyond. They shake in their frame. The hinges strain. The twisting of black metal screams like a chorus of damned souls. They will not hold for much longer. We do not know the tempest of horror that will blow through that aching chasm when they finally give way. We do know one thing:
We are not ready.

Welcome to the Beyond the Gates ttrpg jam. We are going to make some truly horrifying games and supplements to unleash upon the world. The theme…

A sudden event opens the gates of horror, and what lies beyond changes everything. 

What this means is up to you.
The gates of horror could be literal or metaphorical. As long as there is a triggering event that significantly changes the game, atmosphere, or danger level. Things might start spooky, but immediately turn terrifying.

Some idea for what this could mean

  • Traveling from one realm to another.
  • Unleashing an evil power.
  • A celestial event that plunges the world into nightmares.
  • A monstrous transformation.
  • A lurking threat steps out of the shadows.
  • A mental break changes perceptions of reality.

 The players could be trying to survive the new horror, trying like hell to shut the gates again, or even deliberately trying to open them.

This will be an unranked jam. No fabulous cash and prizes. It's just a bunch of cool new horror stuff. We do have some guidelines to follow.


  • Submissions can be just about anything TTRPG related. Full games, adventures, locations, monsters. You can make something for your favorite game, or system agnostic. As long as it sticks to the theme.
  • Submissions must be made during the jam period specifically for the jam. No old games reposted
  • Multiple entries are allowed. Nay, encouraged.
  • Human made. Public domain or properly licensed stuff is fine. Give credit where it’s due. No generative AI of any kind for any reason. 
  • Please label any NSFW content as such. This is a horror jam, so blood and guts are kind of expected. However, any submissions that are bigoted, hateful, or depict sexual violence are strictly forbidden. We have to have SOME standards.
  • You can charge whatever you'd like for your project. If charging, please consider leaving some community copies so folks in the jam can see your cool stuff. I’ll also need you to send me a copy so that I can make sure it follows the jam guidelines.

Feel free to come hang out and discuss submissions over at the Coffee All Night discord server.

Share the hashtag #beyondthegates on the socials and help boost each other's work. I’m excited to see what everyone does with this theme! And I shudder to imagine what horrors I am unleashing as we see what lies…Beyond the Gates!


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A self contained ttrpg horror story
A Rooted in Trophy TTRPG About Doing Odd Jobs in The American Heartland
Survive the first night of the zombie apocalypse
Will you stay sane, or get SPLICED into a horrific end?
Weave tales of terror and violence, tapestries of the sanguine. Created for the Beyond the Gates Horror TTRPG jam
A dark ritual generator for any rpg
Stop it or get out of here. Don't go mad.
Your character must raise one.
New developmental stage ... new powers!
Laser and Feelings hack for supernatural modern TTRPG
You can die. The undead can't
You have one last chance to run through hell and find redemption. Will you take it?
A GM-less Survival Horror TTRPG
The game of spooky Halloween monsters and unfinished business