This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-01-20 17:00:00 to 2023-01-27 17:00:00. View results

Welcome to the THIRD b3agz Game Jam!

All Entrants Entitled to "b3agz Jammer" Role in the Discord Server


Long-time b3agz community member and all-round stand-up guy, Irregularity, has donated a number of prizes to the pool! In addition to the prizes listed above, there will also be;


This is super generous on Irregularity's part, but since he doesn't have anything to promote at this time, I encourage everyone in the Discord server to send him kissy emojis.

This is just a fun little game jam hosted by a small-time YouTuber. It's open to anyone who wants to join, all levels of game-development ability, solo devs, and teams. As with the previous jams, you can use any tools you have the legal right to use, whether you want to make your game in RPG Maker using artwork from, or you want to make all your art from scratch and code the entire thing, engine and all, in Assembly. Or anything in between those extremes.

This is the third b3agz Jam. If you want to see how the previous jams, you can find them here;

You can also check out the Discord server if you want to talk about the jam with other entrants!


This could be a literal reference to a spoon. Perhaps you want to make a game about Goldilocks being unable to find out which porridge is just right because she cannot find a spoon.


You could also consider the origin of the quote. Before you can bend the spoon, you must first realise the truth; there is no spoon.

The Rules

  • Both teams and solo entries are allowed.
  • You can use any assets that you are legally allowed to, whether it be creative commons assets, assets you've paid for, or something you've made yourself.
  • The game must be made during the game jam window, however.
  • You can start planning your game whenever you like—or use an existing idea, just don't start putting it together before the jam.
  • Keep the content of your game appropriate for a younger audience. If you couldn't put it in an ESRB Teen rated game, don't put it in your game jam entry.
  • A theme will be announced at the start of the jam. You do not have to incorporate this theme, but there will be a voting category on how well the theme is implemented, so not using the theme will reduce your chances of winning.
  • A winner will be voted on by the jam participants. Voting will be open for seven days from the end of the jam.
  • If there is a tie, the prize will be split between the winners.
  • Games that are found to be copied from other game pages or just re-entered into this jam after already being entered into other jams in the past will be removed.

On this last point, please note that this jam is not exclusive. You are free to enter your game into as many jams as you please, but if your game was submitted to a jam a month before this one, it's pretty strong evidence that you didn't make it in the jam window.

The Incentive

The winner of the jam will receive a £50 cash prize. Second place will get receive a £25 cash prize. Third place will get one month of Discord Nitro or Xbox or PC Game Pass. Cash prizes will be paid out through PayPal, please bear this in mind before entering. If you don't have a PayPal account (and can't get one) and there is no way I can get money to you from my PayPal account, you will not be able to collect your prize. You can also choose to have your prize money sent to a charity of your choice if you wish.

As a little additional thing, anyone who enters the jam and successfully completes an entry (subject to obvious things like not cheating) will be entitled to the "b3agz Jammer" role in the Discord server.

Post-jam, there will be a video on the YouTube channel covering the jam and entries. There will hopefully also be a Twitch stream of me (the nobody YouTuber) playing as many of the games as I can. I will do my best to play all games on the stream.

The Voting Categories

Entries will be judged in five different categories with the winners being determined by best overall score. Here are the categories along with a description of what they mean;

  • Theme — How well you think the game implements the jam's theme.
  • Fun — How fun the game is to play, ignoring all other aspects. Even if it has poor graphics and crashes constantly, if you still had fun, this category should be a high rating.
  • Art Style — This is not "graphics". A good art style can come in anything from monochrome pixel art to AAA computer-melting 3D. Things to think about here include whether the art style feels cohesive (not just a mishmash of random assets) and obvious whether you liked it.
  • Sound Design — Again, we're not looking at the quality of the sound as such, but the effectiveness and cohesiveness of the audio.
  • Innovation — How off-the-beaten-track is the game? Does it do something new and interesting? Does it put an interesting spin on an established mechanic?

These categories have been chosen because it allows for a wide range of games to do well. For example, someone could make a Wolfenstein-style first-person shooter that is incredibly fun, but not very innovative, or an amazing-looking game that is a bit of a slog to play through, and still stand a chance of winning.


What game engine/tools can I use?

You can use any game engine or game-making tools you like as long as you are legally allowed to make your game public and freely available.

What platforms do I have to build for?

I am not placing any restrictions on what platforms you build your entry for. However, bear in mind that your game is going to be voted on by the other participants. If you only release one build, and it's for macOS, you're going to miss out on a lot of votes from people who can't play your game. I would recommend building to HTML5 wherever possible to make it easy for everyone to play your game, but it is not a requirement. After HTML5, Windows is the platform that will be compatible with most users. If you can build to all platforms, even better!

Who owns my jam entry?

You do. There is no sneaky fine print or expectation that I can do anything with your game other than play it in a YouTube video or Twitch live stream. It has to be free and available to play during the voting window if you want to have a shot at winning. After that, you can take it down, put a price tag on it, enter into other jams (that allow pre-made games) or anything else you might want.

How are the games judged?

The games will be voted on by the participants and contributors. There are a few different categories to vote on. The winners will be the entries with the highest overall scores. If first or second place is tied, the prize will be split between the tied games. If the third place is tied, both devs will get a prize. Voting will open at the end of the jam and close after seven days.

Is there a theme?

There is a theme, and it will be announced at the start of the jam to prevent people from making their whole game before the jam even starts! We can't stop you from starting on your game before the jam starts, but your game will be judged on how well it incorporates the theme, so starting early will hamper your chances of winning.

How is the theme being chosen?

Over the month leading up to the jam, I will be taking suggestions (in YouTube comments, Discord, the community here, basically anywhere) and keeping a list. This list will be fed into a little random item picker I made and the picking will be live-streamed on my channel at the jam launch.

Do I have to stick to the theme?

As mentioned above, not incorporating the theme will reduce your chances of winning as that is one of the categories your game will be judged on. However, the theme is not a requirement for entry. If you think your game is so amazing that it can win without any points in the theme category, or you just don't care about winning, feel free to ignore the theme. The real goal of the jam is to get people making a game.

Who is "b3agz"?

b3agz is a small-time YouTube that makes videos around game development aimed at beginner (sometimes creeping towards intermediate) developers. You can find the channel here.

Why are you running this jam?

I was asked, lol. The first jam was a massive success so I decided to keep doing it.

I have a question that isn't answered here...

The best way to find out more is by joining the Discord server and heading over to the #game-jam channel.


All submissions
Browser playable (6)
Windows (8)
macOS (2)
Linux (1)

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Get your spoon back before the cat gets you.
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Beautiful landscapes are not necessary, because they are not always real.
Craze the cable whilst challenging the spoon't
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Learn real life table etiquette, including tableware positioning, and courteous behavior.
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Only realize the truth
Help the developer by testing his game!
Play the worst game of the minute. This game is where you become Flappy bird with a grappling Hook
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There's no spoon.
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