This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-06-28 01:00:00 to 2021-07-01 01:00:00. View results

Atelier Game Jam

Atelier Game Jam: 

                                        THEME: Two Worlds                  

Time: 3 days (72 hours)

Good to know

  1. You must use your own assets. No premade assets are allowed;
  2. Any Game Engine are allowed (eg. Unity, Unreal, Gadot, Source)
  3. Share your work. One of the aims of This Jam is to help others learn from your work, so please assist with this by allowing people to tinker with the results of your work. You must share any code and assets you use for creating the game (as long as you are legally allowed to share them without breaking any other legal agreements). Don't share any code belonging to your employer or anyone else other than yourself, or upload anything that is under NDA or other legal constraints. 
  4. Remember the licensing. All uploads (code, assets, executables) will be shared and licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Creative Commons License.
  5. Respect the ideals of the jam. Whatever creative decisions you make when creating your game, keep in mind the shared goal of collaborating, learning and sharing among the international game development community. Use tools and assets that allow your game to be licensed under creative commons. Upload a reasonably complete and playable game, and include any source code and assets for educational purposes. Anything you create will remain your property within the terms of our licensing agreement after the jam is done.

Enjoy yourself! 


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