This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-09-10 02:00:00 to 2023-09-13 10:00:00. View results

Welcome to ASCII Jam!


You have 3 days to create a game with the limitation that all graphics
must use only ASCII characters.


The theme is ...


Common Questions

Who can enter?
Anyone, of any age, from anywhere.

Is there a team limit?
Not at all! You can work alone or in teams of any size.

What should I make my game in?
You can make your game in any engine or language you like!

How should I export my game?
Any way you can! Even a zip folder with raw code.

How do I publish my game?
Create an itch page, and submit the page to the jam. Include
screenshots of the game and some thumbnail art
(the thumbnail art doesn't need to be in ASCII).

What assets can I use?
You may use any assets you create or have the license to.
Any colour palette can be used, but we require you to use
only ASCII characters for all graphics.

What will the games be judged on?
Games will be ranked against the following criteria:
overall, enjoyment, creativity, and presentation.

Good luck and have fun jamming!


All submissions
Windows (1)
macOS (1)
Linux (1)

No submissions match your filter

A tower defense game about defending your egg.
Game Jam submission