This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-04-06 00:00:00 to 2024-04-08 00:10:00. View results

Welcome to the Aqua Arcade Game Jam!

Who can enter?

UC Merced and Merced College students have priority registration, but we will open it up to outside participants if spots are available. You can work alone or in teams of up to 5 people. Please make sure you have an account and  press the big button on this page to join the jam! All participants must be in our discord  and need to get their participation role, to be able to win.  Make sure you read the rules so you know what's allowed and what isn't! Registration is limited to the first 60 people that register! 

How can I win?

Winning a game jam typically involves creating an innovative, engaging, and well-executed game within the given time frame that aligns with the theme of the jam. Please refer to our rubric while developing your game. Good luck! Here are some tips to increase your chances of winning:

Understand the Prompts: Pay close attention to the your selected prompt. Your game should reflect this prompt in a creative and compelling way. Brainstorm ideas that resonate with the prompt and explore unique interpretations.

Iterate and Playtest: Continuously iterate on your game design based on feedback from playtesting. Test early and often to identify and address any issues or areas for improvement. Adjust gameplay mechanics, balance, and user interface elements as needed to enhance the player experience.

Polish and Presentation: Pay attention to the details and polish your game. Add sound effects, music, visual effects, and polished artwork to enhance the overall presentation.

What are the prizes?

1st Place Winner(s) will receive: One (1) Steam game of their choice with a limit of up to $100 & one (1) 12-month license for Clip Studio Paint Pro Version.

2nd Place Winner(s) will receive: One (1) piece of gaming gear of their choice (Headset, Mouse, Keyboard) and one (1) ZOTAC GAMING swag bag.

3rd Place Winner(s) will receive: One (1) tabletop game of their choice (Happy Salmon, Codenames, Throw Throw Burrito, Unstable Unicorns, Worst Case Scenario Card Game) and one (1) $10 gift card to Five Guys.

Best Game Design Winner(s) will receive: One (1) Speed Cube each

1. Submission are due Sunday, April 7th at 5:00 PM for judging. You must complete your game within the given 48 hour time-frame.
2. You can work alone or in teams. Only one person is required to submit the game, but you can add additional teammates who have profiles from the More > Admins heading under the game project.
3. You must incorporate an educational aspect into your game, please view resources here.
4. You may use any game engine/framework/language to make your game and build for any platform you like, including mobile. Games that require interpreters (python, some interactive fiction languages, etc.) are allowed as long as it does not contain any malicious malware.
5. We do not accept submissions that require external games or software to run, such as Roblox. Assetflips or direct copies of other games this will be instantly disqualified and removed from the jam.
6. Your game must contain at least one of the following prompts

➼ Loss of water
➼ Water & Dice
➼ Water contamination of the aquifers


All submissions
Browser playable (1)
Windows (6)
macOS (1)

No submissions match your filter

2D Platformer
Beaver with a water gun.
Mine for aquifers by tackling multiple-choice questions.
Robot Civilization Management Sim (Unfinished)
Help Mr.Whisker save aquifer from pollutants