This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-06-11 14:45:00 to 2018-06-13 07:15:00.

Android Game Jam



Hello Everyone my name is Jared2b but you can just call me Jared and I am hosting this game jam.

My goal for this jam is to make android apps with other developers and just have a good time with other.

Vote for a theme here -

Things you should know-

Sadly there are no prizes for this jam unless you consider winning and recognition a prize.

To join this Game Jam officially please join the Discord server -

You may want to get a lot of sleep before hand

don't submit anything to "" for this game jam 

The Game Jam theme will be posted as soon as the Jam starts on and the Discord server


Must join discord to enter into the Game Jam -

Any submissions need to be in an .APK file sent threw discord

If you work alone you may use royalty free assets as long as you have permission and more than 80% of the game asset were made by you

You can work in a team of up to two but if you work in teams you may not use any assets made by anyone else

you may not use your own premade assets

Submissions may not include any NSFW subject, Politics, or sensitive subjects IE (suicide, shootings, etc. )

No submissions directly attacking someone



Once you submit your game you will be judged on three things:

How well you followed the theme or themes

How many people enjoyed your game

And how  original your game is