This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-05-31 14:00:05 to 2020-06-30 13:59:55. View 2 entries

Alone Together Jam - June 2020 Making games, alone together.  ❤️

Third time's a charm.  There's a lot going on right now, so if you think it'll help to have a creative outlet, let's make some games!

Whether you're a professional game developer, a student, a hobbyist, or just looking to try something new and different, everybody is welcome!

Work (remotely!) with anyone you want, make anything you want (big,  or small), and try to incorporate the three key words into your game. Feel free to get creative with how you interpret these words; it's part of the fun!

The key words for June 2020 are:

Good luck everyone!  Have fun, be safe, and take care (of each other)!

Twitter: @_ATJam
Facebook: Alone Together Jam

Previous Alone Together Jams:


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