This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-06-07 07:00:00 to 2024-06-10 07:00:00.
This is a jam hosted by and for the AGDG - Amateur Game Development General community on 4chan's /vg/.
If you are not a part of this community, please do not submit.
Show off your progress with a demo and get feedback from your fellow gamedevs! The goal of this "jam" isn't simply to submit something, it's to encourage the AGDG community to JUST LIKE MAKE GAME. Do you have what it takes to post progress?
This event is "safe for work", anything you could find in an "M" rated title is fine but porn will be removed.
Starting the first weekend in June, you will have 72 hours to submit a demo to this page for everyone to see. Good luck!