This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-01-13 16:30:00 to 2024-01-20 16:30:00. View results

Join the Discord Server for Updates and More! (And have a chance to win the "WINNER" role)

Welcome to the fourth seasonal Acorn Jam! ๐ŸŒŸ

So happy to see you here, and trust me, this is going to be fun!

For example, if you had a theme of "spaceship" and a twist of "always moving," you may make a game that involves a spaceship constantly rotating around a star.


  • Your game must be mostly created during the jam.
  • After the jam is over, you can fix bugs and add new ways to play (add a web build, etc...), but not radically change the game (such as adding a new mechanic).
  • Games containing NSFW content (Such as Excessive Gore) are not allowed!
  • No manipulating votes.
  • Use assets you have the right to use! (This includes AI art. You must own all data used to train the model - see more in FAQ)

Theme: Death

Twist: Trade Off

Join the Discord Server for Updates and More! (And have a chance to win the "WINNER" role)

About participating in the game jam. ๐ŸŽฎ

You can create a game on any game engine (Unity, Godot, Unreal Engine, Game Maker, etc...) or just write a game in any programming language. You can create a game alone or as a team. Basic requirements for the game: the game should use the jam theme and the twist, it is desirable that your game can be played in the browser. You can also create a game in any language, hopefully English.


 Can I submit the same game to multiple jams? - We allow submissions to multiple jams, but we encourage you to carefully review the rules of each jam you plan to submit to. Please ensure that you comply with their regulations regarding multiple submissions. Make sure to also make it within a similar timeframe as to the Jam and/or by complying the theme or twist. Note: Your game will be removed from the Jam if we deem that you are attempting to advertise it via submitting it to many jams.

Can I work on my game before the jam starts? - No, the game development process must start within the timeframe of our game jam. However, you're allowed to brainstorm ideas and prepare assets or resources that you own in advance.

Do I need to work solo, or can I form a team? - You can work alone or collaborate with a team. Please ensure that all team members are properly credited for their contributions and that they have given you the rights to use their work.

Can I use AI-generated assets in my game? - For art or audio, no, unless you provide evidence that you have the rights to use all data that the model was trained on. You may use AI-generated text, dialogue, or code. 

What if I can't complete my game within the given time frame? - It's okay! The main goal is to have fun and create something within the jam's time limit. Incomplete games are also welcome for submission.

How strict is the theme requirement? - We encourage participants to adhere to the theme and twist provided, but we understand that creativity can take various forms. Feel free to interpret the theme in your unique way.

Are there specific platforms or engines I must use for game development? No, you're free to use any game engine, programming language, or platform that suits your development preferences, however, for ease of access to your game, please provide an HTML build that is playable in the browser.

 Can I update or polish my game after the submission deadline? - Submissions must be finalized by the deadline. However, you're welcome to continue working on your game after the jam ends.

How are winners determined? - Winners will be chosen through community voting via the Jam's page. Remember: anyone can vote for your game, so share it!

Can I join the game jam late? - Yes, you may join late if you are up to the challenge, however, your game will be judged as if it was made within the total timeframe.

What happens if my game violates the jam's rules? - Games that break the rules may face disqualification. However, we will try to communicate any issues and provide opportunities for rectification if possible. If unsure of a verdict, we will host a community poll on the Discord for a group opinion.

How do I get more updates on Jams like this one in the future? - Join our Discord or follow Acorn Studios to be notified in Your Feed when the next Jam drops!


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Browser playable (1)
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Die strategically in this tricky platformer
Play in browser
Shoot, Dodge and Collect as FAST as you can.