This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-11-24 22:00:00 to 2023-12-04 02:59:59. View results

Welcome to our first Game Jam, a more-than-a-week-less-than-two-weeks casual game dev competition!

This is (hopefully) the first of many yet to came Game Jams!

Submissions will be enabled from 24/Nov/2023, at 19:00 GMT-3, up to 03/Dez/2023, 23:59 GMT-3

This is the perfect oportunity to enter the chaotic madness of game development, from scratch: lets all learn together! 


The theme will be announed when the event start, based on the pool result!

And the theme is "Interactive Story": make a game that is related to the theme, in any way you intrepret that!


What engine? Any engine is fine, but remember that by making a web build  you make your game more accessible! Some common engines are: Unreal, Unity, Godot

What assets can I use? We strongly encourage you to make new assets for the jam, but any assets you have the rights to use and that don't break the rules are fine (e.g. asset store).
A very good starting point when looking for assets is Kenny Assets

What are some common tools used? For graphics: Aseprite, Gimp, Illustrator; for sound/audio: Audacity, Fruit Loops, sfxr, BeepBox


Our voting categories are:

Fun: how fun is the game? Do I enjoy playing it?

Controls: are the controls responsive? Is it easy to navigate?

Replayability: do I want to play this game again?

Immersion: do I feel the game atmosphere? Are there matching graphics and audio?

Theme: how close is the game from the selected theme?

Now, get your hands dirty with code, game-design, ideas, and if you have time, graphics and audio to make your game even more immersive!


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Browser playable (1)
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Play with any gamepad (directional + A + B + Y are all the buttons needed)
Project for the 7Folders game jam
Play in browser