Create a game, story, puzzle, simulator, generator, or anything else using the free, open-source tool Twine! If you're unfamiliar with Twine, check out their official site. This jam is open to beginners, teams, everyone!
Guidelines + Info
- Twine must be used, but feel free to experiment and incorporate other tools.
- All submissions must be completed in 2019. Twines made earlier will be removed, but this doesn't mean all your concepts have to be new; revisiting old, unfinished Twines is great! Twines made for other 2019 jams can also be submitted.
- This is an unranked jam with no prizes, just a fun incentive to create. Submit unfinished works and post WIPs!
- Make one Twine that you work on for the whole year, or create a Twine a month, or compile a bunch of daily Twines. Multiple submissions are encouraged!
- Have a fun and fulfilling 2019 :^D
There is no official theme, but if you want inspiration or harder guidelines, see below for prompts.
Create a Twine that ...
- uses 300 words or less (examples!)
- relies on sound
- is non-interactive
- has an inventory system
- only uses images
Thanks to Subtle Patterns for the page background!