Submissions open from 2025-04-15 04:00:00 to 2025-04-30 04:00:00
Starts in

About The Jam

Street Grimoire Creative Jam is a TTRPG-focused “game” jam where any project is allowed as long as it can run, inspire, or help a tabletop role-playing game set in a modern world with traits connecting fantasy and science fiction. 

If you want updates about the Jam and any other goings-on you can find out more by:


Submission Period 
April 16th, 2025 - April 30th, 2025

Voting Period 
April 30th, 2025 - May 14th, 2025

End Of Jam Stream 
 May 17th, 2025 at 12pm EST

Jam Rules

In this jam, the goal is to make anything relating to the general setting of Modern-Day with magic. Does this mean it has to be a TTRPG system? No, we have even accepted video games and would even accept stories set in a modern world. Send us what you are inspired to send.

All submissions will be added to a list of submissions on the Twisted Crystal Games website, and the top most games (to be discussed later) will be highlighted during the end-of-jam stream. More details will be added later.

This is a jam that attempts to be chill. If you don’t want to be ranked, and/or you want to submit your things outside of the game jam, that is awesome. You can submit your game with no pressure and enjoy the challenge of creating or the joy of sharing. 

Submit without Itch

If you don't have an account but still want to submit, please contact Technomancer Kyle.


In this creative jam, when you submit you may select it to be grouped in any of the themes below. The themes are designed to help you generate ideas, but we will also use them to rank ones based on “closeness to themes” when being judged. Your submission only needs to be able to say that it is “on the theme” to the themes you designate as the ones you chose. I encourage you to refrain from selecting all of them unless you feel confident that your submission truly hits them all.

This year the themes are:



Anyone may join this jam and submit old material if they wish. That being said, I encourage everyone to try and make something new for this jam, for the sake of helping create more content in this genre for us all to love.

You may work as a solo developer/artist, or in a team.

Any type of product is ok for submission, as long as it doesn’t contain AI or NFTs (though they may make fun of those topics). If your submission is intended for adult audiences, please inform people ahead of time, while there is no ban on NSFW content, I am unsure how I would judge such content or how it would even fit into the jam. 

If you are uncertain, please ask the question in the jam forum. 

While your submission does not have to be free to the general public, consider having a jam version or community copies. Our judges are not expected to purchase your game to give feedback or submit points to it, and neither is the community. In essence, if we have to purchase your game, we won’t be including it in our rankings.

You are also allowed to submit more than one submission during this jam.


A submission that is up for ranking is eligible for three different types of awards. 

First, the Street Grimoire Community Award is for the submission that has the highest value of the criteria based on the community votes. The judges will be the tie-breaker if there is one.

Second, the Street Grimoire Theme Award is given to a submission that matches that theme perfectly, it is given to one submission, and there is one for each theme. That is also what the community voted on. If there is a tie, each one who ties will get the award.

Lastly, the Street Grimoire Judge’s Choice is for the submission that all the judges vote on together as the best submission of the year. Only one may be chosen as the winner, but runner-ups may be mentioned.


We will look at games based on these criteria:

  • SETTING Is this submission set in a modern world? Does it have something that can be fantastical elements, like dragons, beasts, or robots?
  • THEMES How well does this submission fit the themes it was submitted under? 
  • CREATIVITY  Does the submission push or interact with its medium interestingly?


No Judges Announced Yet.


There currently are no monetary prizes to this jam, but all submissions will be shared on the Twisted Crystal Games website, as well as get a free spotlight on social media and various discords that I am a part of (I love to spread the amazing creativity you all have).

A few of the submissions will even land at the end of the jam stream, as I do a deep dive and talk about things I like about it.

The amazing JewelledCrown created the logo. Check out their carrd: