This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-02-03 21:30:00 to 2022-02-10 23:01:01. View results

Welcome to the 1904labs 2022 Winter Game Jam!

Theme: You Are Not The Main Character

You will have one week to create and submit a game, from Feb 3rd (3:30PM central time) to Feb 10th (5:00PM central time).


  • Anything goes as long as it sticks to the theme!
    • Use any tools you'd like to build your game
      • Examples include: Unity, Unreal, Godot, PyGame, in-browser, custom, Blender , Aseprite,  MS Paint, etc.
    • 2D and 3D are both fair game.
    • Free/Public assets are fine to use, but you're encouraged to make your own.
      • When using other assets make sure you follow any usage rights associated with them.
    • Your game must be free!
  • You must submit your game before Feb 10th at 5PM central time.
  • Submissions are hidden until the jam is over. If you want to keep your game a secret, this lets you do that without waiting until the last second to submit. You're free to tell everyone what you're working on, though!
  • This is going to be a ranked jam with both participant and non-participant voting.
    • No prizes as of right now, but you never know
    • Voting criteria is outlined below in a separate section
  • This jam is private to 1904labs, and will not show up publicly in


When you're ready to submit your game you must first create a "project" on After you've created/uploaded your project you can then return to this page and submit it.

To create a project, click on the dropdown next to your username in, and select "Upload New Project". This will take you to a wizard that will allow you to upload your game as well as provide details.

You don't need to worry about uploading your project right away, but make sure you set aside some time before the deadline to go through the process. Submissions close on Feb 10th at 5PM central time!

Voting Criteria:

Voting will take place from Feb 10th 5PM to Feb 17th 5PM (central time). When voting on a submission, there will be several different criteria to vote on separately:

  • Relevance to the theme
    • How well does the game stick to the chosen theme?
  • Concept
    • How creative/novel is the concept of the game?
  • Gameplay
    • Is the game fun to play?
  • Presentation
    • Did the author use appealing and/or original assets? (visuals/sounds)

Possible themes (theme will be selected from this list):

    1. Upgrade Yourself
    2. Parallel Dimensions
    3. Hunted
    4. You Are Not The Main Character
    5. Island
    6. The More You Have, The Worse It Is
    7. Running Out Of Power
    8. Escape

    Community board:

    A community forum is available for participants to chat/share. Don't hesitate to use it to ask questions or simply share progress. Click on "Community" at the top of this page or follow this link:


    Name Link Type(s) Description Added By Assets awesome source for UI and other sprites Scapes
    Unity Asset Store Assets somehwat obvious if you’re using unity, but useful to point out to people anyway Scapes
    Free PBR Assets free textures/materials that can be fun to play with Scapes
    Spriter's Resource Assets Large database of classic game sprites. Great for prototyping (or if you don't feel like making your own sprites). Coach
    Lospec Assets + Learning You can find palettes, tutorials, and tools here for making pixel/voxel art! Scapes
    Pixel Logic Learning In-depth pixel art tutorial book Scapes
    (Video) MAKING A GAME IN 10 MINUTES!! Learning inspiring video to make a game in 10 minutes Scapes
    Heartbeast (Youtube Channel) Learning Good YouTube channel that contains many Pixel Art tutorials and coding tutorials. Nowadays mainly focused around Godot, but has older GameMaker tutorials as well Coach
    Aesprite Tools Animated sprite editor and pixel art tool Scapes
    Pyxel Edit Tools Pixel art editor Scapes
    Sprytile Tools Blender add-on for building tile based low-poly scenes with paint/map editor like tools Scapes
    picoCAD Tools Program created in the PICO-8 platform to build and texture lowpoly 3D models Scapes
    Graphics Gale Tools Free animation graphic editor Scapes
    Piskel Tools Free online sprite editor Scapes
    Bitsy Tools Low-res game maker Scapes
    GB Studio Tools Visual game builder that allows you to make real Game Boy ROMs Scapes
    PICO-8 Tools Fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs Scapes
    Pixel Vision 8 Tools 8-bit fantasy console Scapes
    Pixelbox.js Tools Create 2D games in JavaScript Scapes
    Petaporon Tools Minimalistic piano roll sequencer Scapes
    BeepBox Tools Online chiptune melody maker Scapes
    Bosca Ceoil Tools Free and easy-to-use music maker Scapes
    BXFR Tools Free old-school sound effect maker (beeps and boops) Coach
    Kontra Tools 2d Javascript library Nick J
    Matter Tools 2d physics library Nick J
    (Video) SHATTER / DESTRUCTION in Unity Learning Video about making 3D destructable objects in Unity that shatter Coach (on behalf of Kit)
    (Video) Visualizing quaternions (4d numbers) with stereographic projection Learning Video about visualizing quaternions (for 3D games) Coach (on behalf of Kyle Jones)
    Game Maker's Toolkit Learning / Design Channel with lots of deep analysis on mechanics and game design Kyle J
    Unity ECS Learning ECS (Entity Component System) is a way to design your scripts to be data centric and allows you to provide the same behaviors to the same 'archetype' of entities in a much more performant way. Nathan
    Create With Code Learning Unity Course (Free) covering some basics. (I've only started it, but I hear good things about it) Nathan
    Youtube - Sebastian Lague Tutorials/Inspiration This guy shares lots of tutorials and such Nathan
    Let's MODEL and RIG 5 characters in 10 MINUTES in Blender 2.82 - ep. 16 Blender Learning Great to understand simple model and rigging Scapes
    Default Cube Owl Tutorial Blender Learning One of the best places to start with Blender IMO. Really got a lot out of following this tutorial Scapes
    Blender Work Collection (Someone's first 4 months learning with links to the tutorials they used) Inspiration I keep going back to this video again and again. So neat. This person is obviously a professional designer, but it's still a great place to harvest design ideas and content Scapes
    TextureCan Textures Some Free Textures Nathan
    Object Pooling in Unity Learning Great tutorial on object pooling in unity. Can be used for 2d or 3d Scapes
    Unity code optimization and best practices Learning The end-all be-all of optimization for Unity. Be prepared for math and thorough explanations of CPU/FPS. I suggest googling for things with as a filter for any optimization questions as a first step. Scapes


    All submissions
    Browser playable (3)

    No submissions match your filter

    Unfinished. Work as Marty, a State funded "Guy in the Chair" for various super heroes.
    Save the hero! He'll get the glory, but you'll get.... well ..just save the hero.
    Play in browser
    When you're not in the spotlight, you can still be the hero
    Play in browser
    Like hangman, only instead of a man, it's an animal. The goal is to guess the right animal.