This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-03-20 20:15:01 to 2023-03-28 00:00:01. View results

Welcome to the 1904labs 2023 Spring Game Jam!

Theme: Ride

You will have one week to create and submit a game, from March 20th (3:15PM central time) to March 27th (7:00PM central time).


  • Anything goes as long as it sticks to the theme!
    • Use any tools you'd like to build your game
      • Examples include: Unity, Unreal, Godot, PyGame, in-browser, custom, Blender , Aseprite,  MS Paint, etc.
    • 2D and 3D are both fair game.
    • Free/Public assets are fine to use, but you're encouraged to make your own.
      • When using other assets make sure you follow any usage rights associated with them.
    • Your game must be free!
  • You must submit your game before March 27th at 7PM central time.
  • Submissions are hidden until the jam is over. If you want to keep your game a secret, this lets you do that without waiting until the last second to submit. You're free to tell everyone what you're working on, though!
  • We will have presentations after the Jam on March 28th
  • This jam is private to 1904labs, and will not show up publicly in


When you're ready to submit your game you must first create a "project" on After you've created/uploaded your project you can then return to this page and submit it.

To create a project, click on the dropdown next to your username in, and select "Upload New Project". This will take you to a wizard that will allow you to upload your game as well as provide details.

You don't need to worry about uploading your project right away, but make sure you set aside some time before the deadline to go through the process. Submissions close on March 27th at 7PM central time!


Presentations will be held March 28th (meeting pending).

Each participant should stick to around (TBD) minutes.

Possible themes (theme will be selected from this list):

  • Ride
  • Factory
  • Collect
  • Arch
  • Explosion
  • Card
  • Space
  • Falling
  • Single button controls
  • You can't stop


Although the game jam is just for fun, this time around a winner will be chosen by an esteemed panel of judges. The winner will have their name added to the prestigious Lego Game Jam Trophy™.

  • Gameplay/Fun factor
    • Is the game a game? Is it fun to play?
  • Adherence to theme
    • How well does the game apply to the theme? (RIDE)
  • Approachability
    • Can you jump in and play it? Does it make sense?
  • Style/Presentation
    • How does the game look? Is there sound? Music?


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Browser playable (6)
Windows (2)
macOS (2)

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Endless runner giving dogs rides
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Divert Power to keep running. WIP Prototype for the 1904 game jam.
When you need a change of scenery to open your eyes, it's time to take a ride
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Endless platformer - keep your coaster on the tracks!
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Land your hot air balloon in on art hill in time for the balloon glow - but you're at the whim of the breeze.
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Get points to save Doozy.
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Surf on the backs of giant alien creatures as they race through a series of exotic, intergalactic landscapes