This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-10-08 00:00:00 to 2022-10-22 04:59:59. View results


This is the 1st official $100 Game Jam!

In this event, you get to make a game based on a specific theme with a time limit of two full weeks! After submission, your game gets rated by the other participants and you of course get to vote on other games. The number one winner will receive the $100 prize.

I have always loved the concept of game jams. I love participating in them, I love playing the games they create, but most of all I love the community. In fact, I love game jams so much that I want to take the opportunity to host one myself. So, I decided why not spice things up and put a $100 PRIZE for the winner.

Join Our Discord Here!

Voting has ended:



Don't break the rules: do your best to finish your game within the $100 Game Jam deadline. Teams are always welcome to participate. We encourage collaboration.


We'd like to see only original work. During the game jam, you or your team should create everything in your game. Games created with assets will not be eligible for first place.

Maintain a clean and kid-friendly environment for the games. 

Games will be judged by:

  • Visuals: Everything in your game should feel like it belongs together.
  • Gameplay: How well does your game play? Are the controls comfortable? Does it make sense?
  • Theme: How creative and innovative is your use of the theme?
  • Enjoyment: Your game should be fun to play. 
  • Audio: The sounds of a game can take a game farther than expected. 
  • Limitation: The best use of the two buttons outside of the movement.


The 1st place winner of the $100 Game Jam will receive a $100 gift card for steam. 

The Winner of the First $100 Game Jam is:


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Browser playable (9)
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Linux (1)
Android (2)

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Moon Knight is a platformer game where a knight is trying to escape a tower.
Controversial snake game
Spooky-themed Platformer
eat all the "animals" without loosing all your health and escape at the white street lamp
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This is my entry to the $100 Game Jam!
Prevent the moon from colliding with the earth while dodging meteors!!
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A simple game about defeating spawning enemies with 2 attacks.
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2D Platformer
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Sword-based platformer made for JoeJoe's Jam 2022
You are a hungry kitten, and your owner is nowhere to be found.
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Walking a trail to cure any ailment only leading to a worse fate....