Posted November 20, 2024 by racarter
A small note, more for my own records, that Agentia is now completed, as far as I'm concerned. Since its release at the start of September, I've ended up implementing many improvements to the basic "engine" of the piece, alongside a substantial expansion of the different scenes and beings that users are invited to encounter and explore. I completed the final two today for this latest update - ones that I had the idea of doing from the very beginning, but was unsure if I could make work. I have also done some work on the basic transitions between the various windows and play states of the piece, hopefully making for a more polished experience.
There are no more scenes I feel that I want to add to Agentia, and about the only possible updates I could imagine going forward are adding proper touchscreen and mobile display support. That said, the audience for such features would be vanishingly small, and I don't think it's especially worth the effort.
It has been a pleasure working on this piece, which began as a throwaway experiment at the end of January. Ten and a half months later, I think it has become one of the better things I have made, and I've been so pleased to see it enjoyed by many across the world.