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I love inventive mechanics like this!

I encountered two seemingly unintended effects.

1: By mashing spacebar, you can usually ignore bullets that aren't travelling parallel with you.

2: My first attempt ended when I respun a spool from within a block from the previous layer and got stuck inside.

Such an original mechanic! I loved the weaving effect.

This was so visually mechanically satisfying! I have one quick question, if you don't mind... I was left with one extra thread at the end of the game. Did I miss something, or is that intended?

Either way, this was a great game. Thanks for making it :)

There was meant to be a secret ending which used this and a few other threads that were never made… but whoops game jam time limits

this is one of the best and most unique puzzle games ive ever played. the game kept me hooked through the whole thing

very cool game, I like the story telling and the asthetic!
The way you can always go back is really well made! :D

Another banger. Your recent entries have been amazing to me, thank you!!!

OMG I was so close to the end and died and then had to restart 😭 This was really unique, clever, and interesting though. I love the world you built in a few sentences and the act of building and hiding (but rarely destroying) things with the thread.

- ✨Beth

The animation for "weaving" is so nice! It made the whole game a joy to play. The logic of it is at a nice point where it's intuitive enough to learn, but unintuitive enough to feel magical. And I thought it was a puzzle game until suddenly this thing was shooting at me! Thanks!


Very cool! Felt immersive, I think it could be taken into a larger scale game!

Very fun premise! I like that up to the final puzzle, it's technically still possible to get all the way back to the start.