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I'm fairly new to Bitsy, so although I enjoy making them and playing various different ones, I was never part of the community nor witnesses. I'm surprised to hear the Discord was closed if it had such a thriving community. Does anyone know why it shut down?

Hello and thank you for playing my game!

Well the Discord was busy at one point, with little hangouts and community projects, however it slowly began to slow down as the main members began to get busy and move on. Eventually, along with the discord being less used, the head moderator also had to step down, and since they were a pretty big part of holding the community together, the creator of Bitsy, Alex Ledoux, decided to shut down the discord. It was still around in read-only mode I thought but now I'm not sure where it went...

I should also mention that there is also still a little forum community for bitsy here on itch:


This was very sweet. I joined the bitscord in its twilight years, so I never experienced the bustling one you remember. However, it’s very nice to see how much it meant to other people. Makes me wish I’d discovered bitsy earlier.

oops I forgot to reply to this earlier but...

Thank you very much for saying that!! I'm glad my tiny lost memories were able to bring you a little bit of joy (with a fake sense of nostalgia perhaps :P )

And I hope you've found some pretty cool communities for yourself already!


this is very sweet <3


Thank you Sean!! <3 <3 <3

I hope you're doing good and continuing with your code wizardry!


<3 thank you for making and sharing this. I got into Bitsy during a really uncertain time in my life. I felt lost and empty and scared. Finding Bitsy and participating in the Discord server was instrumental in my ability to have hope in myself and a future, even if that hope was small. I think one day I'll get back into some form of game- or story-making, and I'm grateful for this reminder of the little engine that could.


<3 Thank you so much for saying all that!! It makes me really happy that I can share my little message of connections with bitsy with others, and let them share theirs. <3 <3 <3

I very much hope you're doing well now, and that you get to make games and share stories again!


I loved lurking on the bitsy discord but it was so submersive, so many things happening, so many memes to try to understand, I wasn't able to participate that much in it and I kind of regret it. I was learning internet english at that time, and the speed of messages, the language barrier, the inner jokes unexplained for newcomers, were not helping my french bum.
So yeah, I feel you very much, the community was so nice and great to see growing, so many beautiful bitsies and moment of beauty, but I think I wasn't able to fit in the format that the bitsy community was using to organize itself.
Its a beautiful tribute <3


Thank you so much!! <3!

I... think I remember you saying something like that before! That you found it hard to fit in with the jokes and the meme-culture. Honestly they were all very kind and open and it would have been nice to hear from you more I'm sure! And as well, even I, a native speaker, didn't get all the ridiculous memes that developed lol!

I hope you are doing well, seeing more beauty in the world, and maybe even creating some of your own!


Yeah, I talked about that in the discord at some point because i felt it was important and i felt heard, but wasn't able to be more active, it was still too quick for me, haha.
That experience helped me see how to organize places with a developping lore and make it more accessible for newcomers.

I'm doing well, thank you I'm continuing creating game with Bitsy and making music. I joined the Pang Pang Club which is a beautiful french speaking community creating games and doing jams, where I can continue to use Bitsy. I hope you are doing well too and creating what you love to create.


Ah!! You were the one that made Captain Glouglou's adventure! I remember it was a very lovely fluffy little alpaca game!

It's good to hear you're still keeping bitsy alive, and making cool games!

I'm trying to work with javascript to make some silly little streaming tools, and I've met a lot of really friendly people along the way.

Until next time! Au revoir!


So many wonderful memories, collabs, and memes came from there. To this day whenever I think about teeth, I remember that ooo soo cursed Bitsy jam.

A fitting, and lovely tribute/goodbye to the Bitsy Discord!



LOL what a thing to take away from it all XP

Thank you very much for saying that, and I hope you enjoyed this little walk down memory lane together.



<3 <3 <3

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