This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-09-17 04:00:00 to 2021-09-28 04:00:00. View results

What is GBJam?

GBJam is about making gameboy games. Following the original specification, the ten day jam now includes two weekends for the on-the-go participants!

Join the community and find team members here:


The theme is "Original GameBoy"
Keep the original GameBoy screen resolution of 160px x 144px. You are allowed to scale to viewport, but must keep the aspect ratio.
Color palettes must consist of up to 4 colors. (Only 4 colors can be displayed on the screen at a time, so you are more then welcome to have changing palettes!)
Use the same control scheme as the GameBoy (D-pad, A, B, select, start).
All assets must be created in the duration of the jam.


  • Is there a theme? The only theme is the jam's main theme; Game Boy
  • Can I work as a team? Yes
  • What languages or engines are allowed? Anything is allowed
  • Can I submit multiple games? Yes
  • Can I use a resolution under 160 x 144? Only if you're using a fantasy engine (e.g. Pico8 and TIC-80). If you can stick to the right resolution, do it!
  • What are the rules on audio? There are no specific rules, but making it feel like gameboy sound is encouraged
  • What can I work on before the jam? You are allowed to set up your tools and your game engine. Tools include: palettes, fonts, tracker instruments and code libraries.


Prizes will be rewarded to the top scoring games at the end of GBJam. Participating entries, starting with the highest scoring, will be given the choice of one of the following prizes per game entry:

Presented by Lumpytouch

Twitter Youtube

One of two EverDrive X7 units

The highest specification of the EverDrive flashcarts available for the GameBoy. Upload your GBStudio games and custom GB roms directly to an SD card to play on your GameBoy DRG, GameBoy Pocket, Gameboy Advance or Gameboy Color. See more details about the EverDrive.

Presented by Liam Gallagher

Kickstarter Twitter

One copy of GB Productivity Suite

A software for the modern office worker - made as a hardware gameboy cart and written entirely in assembly language.
"Today's professionals and academics on the go need the right tools to succeed in this economy. Never before have so many time saving tools been offered in one place like the GB Productivity Suite. If you're looking for the edge you need to get ahead of the competition and get noticed, look no further."
See more details on the Kickstarter.

Winners will get access to the digital copies, and then the physical copies will be shipped out when they become available.

Terms and Conditions

  • Winners may pick one prize only. There is no cash alternative available. In order to spread prizes evenly across the entries,  there is one prize per winning game, not one prize per team member.
  • Unfortunately there are only a limited amount of prizes. First place will have first pick of the prizes, then second place, then third place and so on. Prizes are available while stock lasts.
  • All prizes and their terms are presented by donating individuals - please be kind with their generosity. GBJAM will put winners in contact with the individuals providing prizes in order to award the prizes. GBJam and the organisers are not responsible for fulfilling prizes.
  • The decision of the jam moderation team is final. The winner will be determined by the overall ranking in the popular vote. Disqualified participants in breach of the rules will not be awarded a prize.
  • We'll make all attempts possible to contact winners. If there is no response within two weeks, the prize will be passed on to the next ranking entry.
  • This competition and the prizes are for fun only. Please don't take it too seriously.
