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I've been making great use of these for my mods. Thank you.

Will this pack be getting any of the updates from Patreon? I'm mostly interested in the Dragoon, Elf, and Orc.

I do want to update it with a bunch of the patreon releases yeah-- but every time I think about doing this... I end up making more new ones for patreon and so I keep delaying the idea of an update 😅. thanks for the reminder!

Ahaha, understandable! Awesome, looking forward to it.

I don't speak English. I have two questions. Can this package be used in another engine like bakin? The second question is, I have this time fantasy package on Steam, can I use it on Bakin if it works or would I have to buy it here?

Yes, you can use it in any engine, but you might need to re-arrange the sheet to match other formats. Thanks!

Are there any templates?I really need a template so that I can edit into my own character.

Yes, I've released the base for free. you can get it here:

I have a character equipped with bow but during battle it shows sword swing then the bow. Also wooden cane starts ok but mid attack it shows rod and finishes showing wooden cane again even though I have class weapons specified. Any suggestions?

Yeah, that's because of the weird way that RPG Maker does things. You need to overwrite the default weapons file with a blank image, which should be included in the pack. It is explained in more detail in the readme file.


actually this shouldn't be necessary, at least not for MV. unless this column on the system tab of the DB just does nothing, I haven't checked recently but I wouldn't put it past them.

Always a fan of your work, I was wondering, have  you done side view  battlers for the monsters?  

No, not with full animations. Traditionally monsters wouldn't be animated, see games like Final Fantasy on the SNES. Thanks!

no worries, it's still beautiful work!

Is there any VX Ace version?

quick question for you. I'm working on my first game with libGDX for a class. would these work with that system?

Hi, I purchased the battle animations, they are really a great enhancement for the existing characters! 
One question though: This pack includes all sideview battle animations for chara sheets 1-7, and mil 1-3. However, there's also a chara8 sheet, with 8 additional characters (it's part of either the character or monster sprites pack). Any chance to get the battle animations for those characters as well?


Just purchased. 

These are a great addition. Please consider adding a version of the spite sheets absent the weapons.

Is there any way to see a preview of all the sideview characters, as I have many classses in my rpg and I would like to see if I have the characters here that fits every classes before buying.

Hi,I bought almost every TimeFantasy asset from itch and steam...I really hope the attack sprites of "chara_8.png"'& "$monster_.png" & the orc from "npc.png" could be include...Thank you for hard work...

me too

(1 edit)

It looks like all the sprites from the "80+ RPG Characters" pack are accounted for here except one sheet labeled "bonus1.png". Any chance those sprites will get attack animations in the future? I'm hell bent on using one of the characters from that sheet as a main character but can't because it has no attack animations or emotes (the later of which I could work around).

Quick question - are any of the resources you make compatible with 2003? Currently that's my major game engine, and I can't quite afford anything better yet, so I wanted to check to see if I can use them there

They should be, because they're based on a 16x16 grid. The tilesets for sure, I've converted some before.
But while they are compatible in general size, you'll need to reconfigure everything to the formats that 2K3 expects, because by default they aren't arranged that way.

Gotcha. Good to know.

Spritesheets 1_3, 1_4, 2_6, 2_7, 5_1, 5_4  have a sword strong attack but should be an axe.

Spritesheets 2_3, 6_1, 6_8, mil2_1, mil3_6, mil3_7, mil3_8 have a axe strong attack but should be a sword.

This is not a SINGLE spritesheet which both a weak and a strong axe attack. Will this be fixed?

Some characters have swords and axes as alternate weapons. I don't think it's something that needs to be "fixed", because it's not a mistake.

You're welcome to edit the graphics and copy in weapons from other sets if you want a specific character to have a specific weapon.

Okay, thanks for the reply

What'ss the correct order of sprites? I'm going mad. Is it 1-2-1-3 and then restart or what is it?


Should be 1-2-3 for most of them! Some that loop might look better with 1-2-3-2, but even those ones should still work just fine with a regular 1-2-3 loop


Would totaly buy if there were 4-direction combat animations. Are you going to add some in the future?


Not for this set, since they weren't originally planned to work that way. I do have plans to make something new that will work in all 4-directions though, it will be my project later this summer. Thanks

Awesome, can't wait! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

I too would love the 4 direction set.  I hope they are still in your future plans.

I have your character and monster sprites currently.  Love them!

would be great to hear an update about this ;) I'm eagerly awaiting with dollars to throw at my screen.


I've made a couple of updated on Patreon. Don't expect a release until 2021. Thanks :)

What's the status for 4-way attacks?

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