This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-04-13 10:00:00 to 2020-04-17 21:59:59. View results

Welcome to the Polyrealm Quarantine Gamejam! Hosted by

Running from the 13th of April till the17th of April, spice up your boring quarantine time by joining our fun gamejam. Voting is from the 17th till the 20th of April!

Theme: Isolation

Make a game in your favourite engine, or don't use one at all. It's completely up to you!


- Nothing NSFW.

- Don't start early.

- Incorporate the theme in some way.

- Be original!

- Teaming up is allowed and even encouraged! You can find new members in our discord x)

- You are not allowed to use premade assets, except for music and fonts. Make sure you can use them though, or obtain a license for them!

Voting categories:

- Gameplay - How does the game play?

- Graphics - Does the game look good?

- Originality - Does the game incorporate the theme in interesting ways? Does it bring anything new or interesting to the table?

- Theme - How much does it stick  to the theme?


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Browser playable (4)
Windows (13)
macOS (2)
Linux (4)

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Crashed Landed On Alien Plant.
Fight the infection in this arcade arena shooter! [Game Jam Release]
Quarantine Game Jam entry
Help grandma get her groceries without her dying of Coronavirus
Will you find out who is stopping you?
Isolate The Guards And Escape From The Asylum
Isolated is a platformer, where you must go vertically, by moving horizontally!
Polyrealm's Quarantine Jam! Submission
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Interactive Fiction
Clear the town
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A little duck in isolation, trying to get fight covid with toilet paper.....i know.... don't ask me why.
For the Isolation game jam, explore a deserted island, scrounge materials to craft imaginary friends.
A game about isolation
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