This jam is now over. It ran from 2017-08-20 16:00:00 to 2017-09-20 16:00:00. View results

#FinishThatRemakeJam is a game jam where you finish a game you started or remade at another Jam this summer. This is a conceptual heir to #RemakeJam (meaning it's not endorsed by the Royal British Legion etc) so we especially welcome Returners (but Newcomers are welcome too) 

So you incompetently abandoned your game? But bad games ain't bad forever, and your game wasn't bad to start with. Yes, we are giving you a second chance. Will there be prizes? Yes.

EspañolFrancais - русский (if you can translate this description in another language please get in touch!)

The Rules

  1. Your game must be in English
  2. Your game must have been entered into another jam prior to this (present sufficient evidence)
  3. You can remake your game but you are basically encouraged to polish your existing game as much as possible, adding features if appropriate and in short overcoming the whole "if I only had a bit more time" thing.
  4. Entries containing any form of hate-speech are not permitted, and will be removed (<= we copied this from #RemakeJam)
  5. Working on an entry prior to the start of the jam is permitted (<= and this one too)
  6. Share your progress to the #RemakeJam hashtag! You are also encouraged to use the devlog feature so everybody can appreciate how you improved your game.
  7. Your final submission/update MUST include a video of your game.
  8. [OPTIONAL] Consider adding an email/discord id/twitter/facebook page link to your game; this makes it easier to privately contact you (give a hard guess why we'd ever need to); a good approach is baking this into your game (adding this to the game description is okay but you may get spam).

The Judges

There will be a panel of judges which may include a mix of nonsuch game bloggers, minor celebrities, industry pros, clueless gamers and the like. The reason we're thinking of having a qualified panel of judges is to make sure that the games get One Hard Look which justifies awarding the awesome prizes.

But we're not telling you what the prizes will be (although we have starting funds to award prizes, we welcome SPONSORSHIPS for said prizes)


Three criteria are defined to judge the games:

  • Polish indicates how well finished a game is (games appearing to match "polished turd" will not qualify)
  • Core Value relates to how good the game is "at the core"
  • Appeal - "if you had $1 to put into funding a game, would it be one?"

A winner in each category will be selected, and a favorite (picked by the judges) will be the overall winner.


Although we do encourage you to keep your game as  accessible  as possible, make a PG rated version, submit to  App Stores, make a VR version of your 2D game, add game bosses and more generally get lost in the woods... This jam is about making your game awesome so we encourage you to stay focused, and there are officially no diversifiers.

Link up with other jammers on DISCORD


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Browser playable (3)
Windows (9)
macOS (3)
Linux (2)
Android (1)

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Only what kills you makes you stronger.
Eat'em all, collect'em all, get eaten a lot and enjoy your picnic :)
Stealthy smash platformer as a slime. NEW LEVEL EDITOR!!!
Play in browser
Tap the egg to the sky!
Play in browser
Create, play and share levels
Real-Time Power Management Arcade Duel
A Fantasy Adventure - Chapter 3, Finished & ReMade
absurd shmup stupid shoot'em'up LDJAM ldjam39
Play in browser
A Platformer-Shooter Game i developed for #RemakeJam and it's a remake of my first ever "playable" game.
A fun dodge the blocks game with 15 levels. Including ramps and other obstacles.
Can you survive the strongest computer viruses?