This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-11-27 05:00:00 to 2020-11-30 08:30:00. View 19 entries

Are you interested in building games but don't know where to start? Are you a budding or a seasoned game developer? Are you striving to take your game to the next level? Epiphany Game Jam is open for everyone, developers, non-developers, game designers or novices, artists, writers, anyone with a creative streak! Join us to have some seriously MAD fun & learning with exciting workshops & seminars as you go through your journey! 

Epiphany Game Jam is a 60-hour jam session.


Design a game (any kind you like) 
The game must be cute (character, music, sound, movements etc.)
The game must be colorful 
Reskinning an existing game will not win you any points

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE?  Epiphany Game Jam is open for all! You can participate individually or as a team from anywhere in Pakistan. Also, international participants are welcome as long as they team up with one Pakistani. We do recommend at least 2 members so you have someone to share the fun with! 

WHAT CAN I MAKE MY GAME IN? Anything, as long as it runs on Windows or browsers. Some commonly used platforms are Unity3D, Unreal Engine, Buildbox, Scratch etc.

WHAT ASSETS CAN I USE?  As long as you own it, you can use it! Avoid using art and audio assets that does not belong to you or is copyrighted. Also note, open APIs, plugins and scripts are allowed.

HOW LONG IS THE GAME JAM FOR?  OMG! Epiphany Game Jam is only for 60 hours!! So you better be faster than a speeding bullet!

WHAT IS THE JUDGING CRITERIA? Games will be ranked on: 

- Game Mechanics

- Core Game Loop

- Alignment with the Theme

- Audio Visual Experience

- Best Experience

- Best Character Name

- Crowd Favorite


The games will be judged by a panel of experts from the gaming industry. The winner will receive prize money of $150. The results will be revealed when this process is over.

WHAT CAN I WIN? Besides fame, glory, social media celebrity status, a pat on the back, inner happiness, etc. etc. you will win $150! 

ANY DISCORD TO JOIN?  Yes! Click here to join:

WHO IS BEHIND THE GAME JAM? This Game Jam is brought to you by Epiphany, a gaming enthusiast with a mission to grow talent in the gaming industry & support diversity, inclusion & impact through games. We are proud to be supported by Revolving Games for this game jam.


- Be cool! Do not have the following - nudity, sexism, racism, abusive language or visuals

- There must be at least one Windows/browser build but other platforms (such as Mac and Android) can be supported

- Remember to submit only one game per team

- Do remember to add the following:

1. The jam's theme

2. The name and story behind the game

3. The names of the characters

4. A link to a playable version

5. A nice photo and video 


Whatever you develop during the Epiphany Game Jam is yours. We have no rights or ownership of your game. 


All submissions
Browser playable (3)
Windows (11)
macOS (2)
Linux (1)
Android (2)

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Marble and Miles. A kitten with a puppy. But... expect the unexpected... A story full of twists!
The only thing that can travel through time is memory.
Visual Novel
Chicken Mom lost her children in the jungle and now Winnie The Fox has to find them.
Fling yourself into an adventure
Rhythm based farming sim.
Join lulu's journey to balloon land
Pengwing brings you a simplest gameplay with tricky mechanics to reminisce the nostalgic taste of simplistic gameplays.
Two siblings against enemies and resolving the issue between two different worlds. - Tab to switch and kill enemies
Play in browser
Life of the students at Nutech University.....
Epiphany Game Jam Entry - Team Max Noobs
Don't Let Them Escape
Play in browser