This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-03-01 22:00:00 to 2023-05-30 21:00:00. View results

Get ready to dive into a world of imagination with the World Inside Game Jam on! In this game jam, developers from all over the world will compete to create the most fascinating, intriguing, and downright fun games ever.

The theme of the jam is 

World Inside

which means you can let your imagination run wild! Think of all the hidden worlds that exist within our own, and let that inspire your game. Will you create a game where players explore a magical world hidden inside a book? Or perhaps a game where the world inside a computer becomes a battleground for robots and hackers?

There are no restrictions on the type of game you can create, so you can let your creativity run wild. Make it as weird, wild, and wonderful as you like - the only rule is that it must be playable and engaging.

The competition is open to developers of all levels, from newbie hobbyists to seasoned pros. This is your chance to show off your game development skills, connect with other gamers, and have a ton of fun in the process.

Don't forget, your game should be as smooth as butter and run on WebGl! It's important that players can immerse themselves fully in the world you've created without any frustrating lag. So put your skills to the test and bring your World Inside creation to life on the browser. Remember, the sky's the limit, and we can't wait to see what you come up with!

So, what are you waiting for? Get your creative juices flowing, grab your keyboard, and start developing the next hit game for the World Inside Game Jam on!


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Browser playable (12)
Windows (2)
Android (1)

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Bring balance to this hellish (holy?) conflict
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Solve a mystery!
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