What's Easy FPS Editor CE?

TLDR: Easy FPS Editor will continue being updated here, but without the original developer. First release notes are here


I've recently been given the blessing/curse of continuing the development of Easy FPS Editor.

After many years of hard work, the original developer of EFPSE, JessicoChan, has moved on from the project.
Instead of abandoning it completely, he decided it would be better to pass the development on to me.

I'm thrilled to have been given the opportunity to help this engine reach its full potential. However, the changes I make may not always be aligned with JessicoChan's vision for the engine.
I also don't want anything I develop to reflect badly on his work, or for him to be blamed for any poor decisions, bugs or issues that I might make.
To help make it clear that this is a derivative version of efpse, I'm releasing it under the name: Easy FPS Editor CE

I don't have a development roadmap, as I find they often hurt creativity and motivation.
Instead, here are my core goals for the project:

  • Improve stability.
  • Maintain compatibility with old project versions.
  • Improve documentation and tutorial resources.
  • Improve scripting abilities for advanced users.
  • Keep the core functionality as simple and intuitive as possible.

And I guess most importantly, it's my job to keep people happy with the engine. If nobody enjoys using it, what's the point in developing it?
Your input will play a huge role in the future of this engine, so send me all your bug reports and feedback.
Let me know which parts of the engine are good, and which parts are lacking.

Just keep in mind that this engine was designed to make oldschool fps games.
Anything more than that is pushing the boundaries of its abilities, and you may be better off using a more advanced engine like Unreal or Unity.
Of course I want to support the ability to make more unique gameplay, but don't expect this to be able to make an open-world, multiplayer, third-person survival game with random terrain generation. It wasn't designed with those features in mind, and it would take a significant amount of work to support any of those abilities.

To kick things off, here's what's new in the first update.

Get Easy FPS Editor CE v1.10.4


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Nice, looking forward to development!

Thanks and good luck!

May the force be with you.

Thanks a lot for your great work! =)

i was unsure if efpse was an engine i wanted to use, but with each passing stability update I'm more and more convinced to give it a try ♥

nice. i appreciate that you are continuing development on efpse. i will download your version and try to make something with it.

Thank you, and good luck!

I'm so happy someone like you decided to take this on. You seem passionate about it, and firmly understand what needs to be done going forward 🤘


This sounds awesome, the engine seems to have a lot of potential, so its great that its getting more attention, good luck and thank you for keeping it updated :)