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(1 edit)

Lord Huntington is so annoying in Captain Blake's route, though I really wish there's a route for that motherfucker.


loved this!! just played the lord stanton ending, and I'm looking forward to playing the others :)


I only played with the Lord Stanton ending, but it was so sweet and a lovely story. But overall the game was great.


Lord Stanton!! *hearts* This was so fun, thanks for the great game! :)


*SPOILERS* I love playing games like this but usually I connect with a love interest before choosing a route, so I end up only doing that love interest route and not continuing to do the others. BUT THIS GAME IS ONE OF THE FIRST.  Something about the setup of each route made me NEED to play all of them and get everyone's True Love End. I did Amesbury's route first and he is still my favorite love interest. I love that he shared the same views as my MC and he was so teasing and fun. The first robbery scene had me wheezing and waiting for MC to realize that it's Amesbury. I love that even though he is fun he still has those uncertain moments that's only seen by MC, it just makes it more special. And LOVE that I got to slap Montfort!  I did Blake's route next, and I think his was my least favorite but that doesn't mean it's bad at all! I did enjoy his route and it was a very romantic and touching to play through. I like that the route has a more common person love interest instead of the others who are born into society it gives a depth to his character and can explain his troubles. Though my god did I want to SLAP THE HAIR OFF LORD HUNTINGTON and sometimes Blake himself! The ending is sweet and intense, but I have to wonder what happens after? Like does Blake stay in the military even after he punched and threaten a very prominent lord? The last route (which I had to do twice but I blame my tired brain since I pulled an all-nighter to finish the routes) Stanton's is misunderstood guy meeting no f*cks given woman and I love it! The MC got to be strong and stubborn as hell for his true love end and honestly, it's how I would act irl. His route was intense at times and really had me doubting that he was a good guy for a bit. But such a sweet end and makes you really feel in the moment. The side/not love interest characters are so well flushed out! ARABELLA AND FOXELY!!! I was so sad that they didn't get their love story in Stanton's but I was happy to see more of Miss Witter and get to be absolute best friends with her! Not to mention Mabel, Montfort, and even Lord Huntington are very great characters for their role and your feel how the writer wants you to feel about these people. Overall AMAZING story and characters and I loved playing this and might even play it again to relive Amesbury's route 

what would you say the age rating of this is?


I'm not easily entertained to the point that I would go through all of the routes in a game... But this one had me hooked from the start and, boy am I glad to have done all of the routes! Obviously,  Amesbury's route is a personal favourite. And how could it NOT be after a sentence like this: "I asked for a kiss, not a formality." Some really nice writing, dialogue and choices overall. 

This one is for fans of regency and period dramas for sure. (All possible historical inaccuracies aside, of course.) 

I'd also have to agree with most comments down below, in the sense that I would also like an Arabella or Montfort route heh


I LOVE this so much!! The graphics could be better but the story and characters are simply wonderful! I'm pretty sure it's all inspired by the Bridgerton TV series are something similar, so if you like that you HAVE to try this!


Lol this came out before Bridgerton but it is good!

(3 edits) (+18)(-5)

Lol this came out way before Bridgerton, the latest update clearly says 2016. Kind of seems like you're calling the writer(s) unoriginal so it's a bit of a backhanded compliment and rude. And no I'm not affiliated with any of them, it's just that if I worked hard at something as an artist, I wouldn't want people to come in and make assumptions that I copied other literature. It's incredibly rude.


Well, it seems you only assume the worst things and want to call me out on something I didn't even mean, so that's quite rude itself. I was NOT saying it was unoriginal. Everything we say/dream/write/create is inspired from something. Why would that be a bad thing? I never said and I never meant "copied". I just wanted to let people, who were considering playing this game, know how it feels like. It was purely a very positive review.  And regarding the timing: I said "or something similar". And besides the books have been around since 2000-2006. But I don't even care - if the author says, nah, it wasn't Bridgerton, then I guess it wasn't Bridgerton but something similar, like I said. It doesn't really matter at all - it was more of a description, so people know what they are getting themselves into.

I have no idea why that made you so mad. To me YOUR post was incredibly rude.

(3 edits) (+11)(-4)

Nothing I said was rude nor implied anger, if I was hostile in any way or going off then you'd have a point but I was just calling out to you to be more mindful and aware of the words you choose to use because it can come off rude.

 "I'm pretty sure it's all inspired by the Bridgerton TV series are something similar" the line speaks for itself, it definitely comes across as if the authors just took another body of work and regurgitated it. It's not about it being Bridgerton, it's about the words regardless of the art you claim they got inspired from. (And you did say TV series, not books, so it doesn't make sense to try and switch that up now.) Clearly, I'm not the only person who felt your comment wasn't the most considerate. Even if you meant differently, I'm just saying it comes across that way. As an artist it's not always fun to be compared to other people because it takes your own identity away. Especially when you put a lot of time and effort into something. Yet even though I made that point, you still insist on claiming it's inspired from something else. That's your right to still say, I'm just giving you food for thought that it's not the most considerate. Yes humans all get inspiration from things in some form on the unconscious/subconscious level, but that's clearly not what I'm referring to. Even if they did get some big inspiration, to make that assumption from the start and go on to claim it as an implied definite by saying "I'm pretty sure," without any actual previous knowledge/reasoning just may come off rude.

Just a PSA: Someone disagreeing does not equal anger and hostility. That being said, this is my last reply and engagement since you clearly got a bit defensive over a mere counterpoint that was entirely civil. There's no need to get so defensive about disagreements in life.


Well, if you call me "incredibly rude" over something I meant as a positive (!) review, I think I can very well call you rude too, so your "nothing I said was rude" doesn't really make sense to me. Accusing someone of something is not a "disagreement".

And I still have no idea, why it would be negative in any way to say something was "inspired" by whatever. I have a completely different view from yours. Art is compared to other art all the time without taking anything away from it. Especially if compared to something really good.

But anyway, since you already said you will not engage any further, I guess this ends here.


briderton? now now 


i know this was a long time ago but i don't get the discourse in the replies and the many downvotes on the original comment, im an artist myself and they mightve heavily confused it with being completely inspired by Bridgerton, but even if it was after Bridgerton had been released, there still wouldnt be anything insulting about it whatsoever. perhaps it was based on the style, setting, or some of the story aspects that coincidentally resembles the following series. and i dont think they meant to come off as backhanded or insulting, whenever i finish a movie or series i also tend to look for stuff that resembles it because its a current interest! yall shouldnt jump into conclusions so easily, im not totally sure but perhaps that was the commenters intention. :D


My heartfelt thanks! I really just meant to say something nice and something that would give people an idea of the game's style and theme. Maybe it came off wrong because English is not my native language but I still don't get why "inspiration" should be something bad when every creator uses it. The way I see it you can't create anything without it. But anyway - thanks again!


This game is really good!!!!! It reminds me Jane Austen's Novels!!

(1 edit)

Beautiful all routes were just unique and really cute. I also like the artstyle very much and the color palette was well thought out.All the characters had their charm and also music and backgrounds were pleasant. I honestly can’t decide which route would be my favorite I would always look forward to something new from you that was really worth the donation. 💃✨


2022 and I'm still hoping for an Arabella route 😔


Pretty sure this one isn't getting any more updates, but she's been working on The Wayhaven Chronicles for a while, and that one has female romance options! None of them are exactly like Arabella, but Farah's probably the closest. 

WAIT OH MY GOD!! i LOVE The Wayhaven Chronicles, i didn't even realize i recognized her name on here until this comment

(1 edit) (+2)(-7)

I did only one route which was the Blake one. I ended up crying emotions pouring out because somehow, I thought about my cat dying one day. Which will never happen he is immortal. Really enjoyed this though despite getting so mad cause of the harassment. like dude...

(1 edit) (+2)

This was a delight to read. I played all three stories and I can say that Lord Stanton is my favourite one. Captain Blake is a close second. I did not enjoy Mr Amesbury's route as much. I found the concept a bit strange, but Overall, the stories are fun and well written! 

I played all 3 routes and found the game to be delightful! It's well written and the art/music is nice. The side characters in the stories are very likable as well!

literally in love with this game

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