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I would like to gauge the interest in a pack that specifically recreates our solar system. Please upvote if you are interested and reply with anything specific you would like to see in such a pack.

Thank you, we appriciate it. Just a tip not a request, what is your opinion about re-color variants of the planets? Or what do you think about planet X (maybe a black/grey celestial object because we dont know how is look like).


Thanks KeVHUN, I think I have done all the reasonable color combinations for the planets and celestial object I could think of and I don't have a good idea for planet X, why not use the Death star looking one for that :)


Thanks you very much man

You're very welcome! Do tell me if there is anything extra you think the pack needs!

Since I bought this as part of a bundle, can I use these assets in open-source projects?


Hello, if anyone can download the assests freely, that is not OK, I am sorry.


The planets look incredibly detailed for the amount of pixels they have! Thanks to you, I was able to make my first Android game! You can see the attribution on the main menu screen:

I had a few minutes of fun with it, thank you for sharing!

(1 edit) (+1)

this one is good for my game =) i like the planets, im using them for the game logo

Glad you like them, feel free to share what you did with them if you like!


Now the only thing left to add is asteroid shoes :)

What palette did you use to make these?

Juice56 with some additions.

Are the planets in this bundle animated? Like spinning or something? Thank you!

No, for spinning planets please check out :)


Hello! I used your planets in my game Green Bot,  thank you so much for creating and sharing them!

I played it, creative use of the planet sprites in a non-space game!

Thank you!


Dear Helianthus Games!

I would like to ask, are you planning to update this remarkable pack for another yearly upadte (on March 11)?

Maybe new planet color variations, or special megaconstruct like Ringworld (Stanford Torus), Dyson Sphere, Bernal Sphere, O'Neill Cylinder, Alderson Disk, Shkadov Thruster? Anything like that?

Thanks for your hard work as always :)


Hello, good ideas, but they are quite niche I think. I will consider adding a Dyson sphere though!

Also thank you for your continued interest in the pack, would love to see what you have made with it!


Yup, you are right, totally niche stuff but its looks amazing :) I know ofc not every of them looking cool on pixel art graphics. Maybe some shipwrecks/debris, tiny abandoned lifeboat, Blitzar (looking cool, like a space amoeba), Wolf-Rayet Star, Hypernova, anything unsual.

Me and my brother working on a lightweight 4X space strategy game, but we are moving slowly on development.


Some supernova would be great I agree, I cannot promise about the rest, but you have some very interesting ideas! Good luck with your game!


I have added Supernovas and a Dyson sphere to the pack and you are mentioned in the latest devlog :)


You are the real MVP, thanks for updateing this awesome pack!


Thank you for making a good sprite.

It's my first time making a game, but I'll make it a great game.

Thanks once again. :)

I am glad you like them!

Definitly this is going to be in my dream game, doyou have any social media where i can contact with u ?


I am glad you like it. You can reach me on Twitter @HelianthusGames or Discord: Helianthus Games#9790.


Hi! Loved the art so much I added it to my game! Battle For Cosmos


Looking really cool! Is there anything additional that you wish was in the pack?


Long story but I have to use graphics made by another student at my school. So I won't be using pack anymore on Battle For Cosmos. I do however love the artstyle and will use it in future games :)


Dear Helianthus Games! Do you planning to update this beautiful pack with more celestial objects or variations of the original graphics?


I am open for suggestions, what are you looking for!


A few suggestions: quasars, dark matter, pulsars, gamma-ray bursts, space stations (similar in size to existing moons so you can connect to a planet). And maybe another color variations of the previous celestial bodies :)


Good ideas, I will see what I can do!


Some quasars/pulsars and space stations have been added!


Wow thank you, you are awesome I really appriciate it ;)


Cheers!!. It would be great if you could include a text file describing the license in the download package (I know you describe it in the comments below, the file would still be handy)

License is now included


I appreciate your work and I bought i

Thanks, this means a lot! Have fun with it!


Wow. That is some really cool work there. Keep it up!

Thanks, your comment means a lot!

can I use it for my game?

могу ли я использовать для своей игры?


please whet tool do you use?

Hello, these were made with Aseprite.

(1 edit)

ok thanks


Thank You! i used this sprite in my game:

I love the earth sprite! <3


I always wanted pixelart planets but this is far beyond my expectations. Take my money !!

This pack is great, and the author was responsive when the 'full' zip was no longer accessible due to change in pricing.

However, it seems like the full zip is still not 'permanently' accessible for people who purchased it before price change.

If this pack were to be updated, I would have to contact the author again. (Assuming future updates are still supposed to be for free) Not sure if it's Itch's fault, but it's annoying nevertheless.

Hello, unfortunately itch is to blame. I do handle every such case and there are no intended price increases in the foreseeable future.


you give me what im needing


Look great. Are these CC-0?

You can modify and use the assets in commercial works, you cannot redistribute them

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