January 2022 release 2 (22.01.02)

Some big changes in our final release of January. We hope you like them and encourage any and all feedback on the game. Please don't hesitate to post a comment, as we're actively looking for ways to improve our game and add to the features backlog.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed enemy bleed / wounded functionality that wasn't being invoked properly.
  • Screen resolution now includes refresh rate, rather than duplicates of the resolution.
  • Fixed spawn scaling issue, where enemies were being spawned too small.
  • Fixed an issue where camera was "snagging" when entering and exiting buildings.

New features / enhancements

  • New female character, codenamed "The Hunter"!
    • We're very excited about this, as we were never really sure of the "appropriateness" of our Sorceress's clothing for the job of escaping giant spiders.
  • Players can now fight back, dealing damage to animals and enemies.
  • Players get a sword in their inventory, that will deal a lot more damage than fists!
    • Another really exciting development! We envisage that this will form some part of our quest structure and that the sword (and other weapons) will be acquired through quests. We were quite keen to give it a whirl though, so get hacking!
  • UI reskin, giving some well-deserved love to the look and feel of the game! All credit to Poneti for their "Classic RPG UI" asset.
  • Our first quest! Please make a point of talking to poor Rexxar, who can be found roaming the sunken village in the Desert level. He needs your help to find out what happened to his family!
  • Simple NPC dialogue, so you can become a little more immersed in the world. Each NPC has some idle chat to share, so don't forget to say hello!
  • NPC head tracking. NPCs and the player will now turn their heads to look at each other, as you walk by.
  • Player head tracking. The player character will glance towards characters and items of interest.
  • Screen prompts. Whether you're playing on keyboard or gamepad, you will now see action prompts on doors, NPCs and interactable objects. You can customise whether you see these or not, for added immersion, via the updated options menu.
  • New enemy, The Gobbler! This monstrosity can be found lurking around the unmarked grave of some poor unfortunates. Keep out of her line of sight!
  • Debug console. You can invoke the debug console using the "0" keypad key. This allows you to test out some of the features, and skip forward in the game. Highscores are not uploaded if you've used the console! Commands you can use are:
    • weather <clear|cloudy|storm> - sets the active weather.
    • time <day|night> - sets the time to 12 noon or 12 midnight.
    • teleport <treasure|home> - teleports your character to the specified location.
    • endlevel - immediately completes the level, allowing you to move on to the next.
    • endgame - immediately completes the game.


  • Refactored Character namespaces classes
  • Big clear out of redundant scripts
  • Upgraded to Unity 2021.2.7f
  • Embedded Quest Machine and Invector integration, providing help components for the QM messaging system

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The sword works well, and the optimisations are pretty good. Nice work.

I assume the sword will be moved to the first quest as one of the NPCs tells you to get a weapon.
After that a spyglass would be a valued treasure.
I kinda feel like the mini-map should be a power you gain or activate maybe after gaining a spyglass  (perhaps also have it as optional, or off for a harder mode).
I don't feel like I'm ever being stealthy while not being able to crouch.
I suggest the use of the middle mouse button and wheel for something (could work for focusing or zooming the spyglass.

Bugs: Cacti have no collision.
Dead creatures still show on the mini-map.
I spoke to Rexxar on my way to the treasure but he didn't have anything to say other than a "?"

Thank you for taking the time to play and to provide this great feedback! The quest bug is disappointing - I'll check that out tomorrow. The other two should be easy fixes.

Love the idea of the spyglass and tying that into "acquiring" the minimap! Genius! That's definitely going into the next build! 

Glad you like the idea. I think it helps make things more immersive if the in-game advantage for the character matches an advantage the player gets.
Perhaps this could then be enhanced via questing to gain the ability to zoom.
I can see this work by gathering herbs for an NPC that uses magik, so they can give you a potion with the power of far-sight.
This could allow the camera view, mini-map and spyglass to now zoom.
A potential cool upgrade for that later on could be the power of remote-sight, where you can see from the eyes of a native creature, that you can first see from wherever you are. The internal mechanism would be just like shooting games where you have to lock on a visible target (I also suggest this as a handy coding lesson).
You could limit this to only effecting in the mini-map, or only for the camera view so it is not too over-powered, or limit the amount of times you can use it per level. Maybe later that could be linked to a Mana bar if you gain the ability to use Magik.

Going to test the hotfix version. I'll let you know how I get on.