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(2 edits)

Hi, I'm interested in this plugin and bought the combo pack so that I can spawn events only in the player's proximity -I've followed the automatic boundaries set up and began to test but the moment the plugin is in use it crashes with "TypeError Cannot read property 'id' of undefined" irregardless if I remove potential plugin conflicts, I'm using the latest version of each plugin and I cannot proceed.

Please help asap.

Yeah, It looks like it's not working in 1.7

Sorry about this! I'll take a look into this as soon as I can

(1 edit)

Sorry about the delay but I've looked into this and it seems like I've got it working for MZ corescript 1.7.

Just download the new version 1.7 of the event spawner to try it out

let me know if you encounter any issues with it

Thank you for your patience!


Its not starting with MZ 1.7 (Demo to if i update the core script to 1.7)

Sorry about the delayed response, I'm taking a look into this as soon as I can.


Oh nice! No worry,  i tough this plugin can help me to fix a problem but i found  a other solution. But dam this looks very good for other projects, so i would be happy about a new Version for mz 1.7 in the future. Thx for your work.

(1 edit)

Sorry about the delay but I've looked into this and it seems like I've got it working for MZ corescript 1.7.

Just download the new version 1.7 of the event spawner to try it out

let me know if you encounter any issues with it

(the demo will likely still not work when updated, that'll need more work on my end before it works again)

Thank you for your patience!

(2 edits)

Hello, just got this plugin and was excited to try it out as other event spawning plugins have not worked for me. But this one also doesn't seem to want to work. I'm getting the message "Error Uncaught Error: Failed to load: data/MapNaN.json". I only have 1 map that has the events on it, and I have that map in the Pre Spawn Map setting. Still doesn't load. In order to see that error message I had to comment out lines 953-954 in the code as the console told me there was an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anoymous>) at Ritter_EventSpawner_v1.6.js:954.

Any help would be appreciated, and if you need any other information I can provide. I've been looking for an even spawner that handles spawning events in certain regions for a while now and thought this one would work out.

(1 edit)

The events that I'm spawing seem to be non-functioning?

After using the typical Plugin SpawnEvent command, unlike the originals they are being copied from, the copies cannot be interacted with, the player can walk through them, the walk-in-place animation is absent, etc.

I saw in the trailer for the plugin that there is a section clearly show-casing that the shadow events move and interact with the player, but I can't really access that part of the demo because it utilizes the Region plugin add-on...

What am I doing wrong that the events end up as mere static sprites?

Hello, Sorry you're having an issue using this plugin. Typically issues such as this tend to be caused by an incompatibility with another plugin. Do you have another event spawner enabled? Have you tried testing in a project with less plugins enabled? have you tried disabling some other plugins within your existing project? Do you have your event(s) set up correctly? Without more information on what you're doing that isn't working it's hard to say for certain where the issue is.

Just did a bunch of testing, it seem the Events and Movement Core by VisuStella


completely renders the copied events non-functional.


Hello, I just ran some tests myself and seem to have found the same issue. I'll take a look into seeing if I can resolve this incompatibility.
Hopefully I'll figure something out, it might be tough with the obfuscated code.
Thank you for reporting this!

That's really nice! No pressure or anything! 

Just a shame that troubleshooting with Visustella is probably difficult T-T

Out of curiosity, was a fix ever found?

unfortunately not yet, it's a little rough trying to get two spawners to work together especially with obfuscation involved. I'm trying another approach now that you've reminded me about this issue which leans into the spawner that's inside of the eventsmovecore plugin. It's more of a workaround so here's hoping I succeed on this fresh attempt.

It's really a shame that Visustella decided to group their spawner inside of the eventsmovecore plugin which has so many other helpful features. So far I'm seeing some promising signs in my testing but transforming is an issue that I'm trying to resolve.

(3 edits)

I get this error every time I start the game for the first time

"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'events' of undefined"

But after F5 everything works fine . or restart the game.

What is the cause please?

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'events' of undefined

    at (Ritter_EventSpawner.js:1156)

(2 edits)

Hello version 1.2 after above is not compatible with VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine I don't know if there will be many bugs in version 1.2?

if I don't save the spawn

Should be able to use the old version, right?

Hello, I'm sorry you're having this issue! I'll take a look and see if I can find incompatibilities and fix them as soon as I can, in the meantime any additional information you can give will surely be helpful. Thank you for reporting this issue!

thanks for your reply

Can you describe the issue you're having?  Are you getting thrown any errors? Is something just not working as intended?

(1 edit)
I test directly with your demo
1.2 Ok 
1.5 No
1.6 No
Tried both in VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine top and VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine bottom
Script Call Error VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.js:7685 TypeError: Ritter.spawnEvent is not a function

Okay I think the issue here is actually unrelated to Visustella Core MZ. When you placed the updated version of the spawner into the demo did you reconfigure the plugin parameters? 

In the spawner update to 1.5 there is a new Developer Mode which is still unfinished but this Developer Mode seems to be clashing with my own demo file. So to get around this issue just disable it.

Try this:

Open plugin manager and open Ritter_EventSpawner.

Set Developer Mode Parameter to False.

Set the Developer Mode Alert Settings to False.

Playtest again and see if it works.

Be sure to let me know if this doesn't resolve your problem!

Hello, I wanted to ask, if there is an option to unspawn "this event", the one you are interacting with?

Hello, that's quite do-able! Unspawning the Event you're interacting with should be as easy as this

On the event you're interacting with place a script call that looks like this


(1 edit)

Thank you. It partialy worked like "delete event", but when I leave and re-enter the map, event is still spawned there where it was. Can I unspawn it permanently? :)

If the event is a Saved Event then you must do:

Ritter.unspawnEvent(this._eventId, true)

This removes the saved event data to prevent the event from being restored on map change.

If it's not a saved event then something weird is going on.

I'm currently getting close to releasing a big update for this plugin which will include Plugin Commands and making things more efficient.

(1 edit)

Yeah, I tried with "Ritter.unspawnEvent(this._eventId, true)" myself, but that actually didn't even unspawned the event at all ^^'
Would be cool if you can fix it. Also can't wait for the update, thank you for your hard work!
Edit: Fun fact, when I erased the event after that command, it works fine! Thank you!!

Weird, I just tested this in the new version of the plugin and it's working for me without any issues.

Hmm, the unspawnEvent function should handle erasing the event itself, it should only take that one script call to unspawn the event and remove the save data while removing all trace of that event from the map.

Does the event remain on the same tile after it's unspawned or does it move to -1, -1? It definitely sounds like something isn't working as intended.

O vO now I'm back to annoy you with bugs on the MZ version lmao~

I'm not sure why, but using "Ritter.spawnEvent(2, 1, 5, 2, true);" doesn't seem to work~!
I tested this by adding true to the end of the spawns in the mz demo unspawn section and it seemed to not unspawn! "Great success" made me laugh!

Because I couldn't unspawn saved events I couldn't test the error we had with MV (spawning/moving new saved events on old saved+unspawned locations > map transfer)

A demo project would be great, unfortunately I have problems with unspawing spawned events.

I use this script-call to spawn an event: Ritter.spawnEvent(2, 1, 13, 2)

Then I use this script-call to unspawn it: Ritter.unspawnEvent($gameMap._lastSpawnEventId)

And I tried: Ritter.unspawnEvent(1000)

And: Ritter.unspawnEvent($gameVariables.value(3))

(I set Var 3 to $gameMap._lastSpawnEventId)

But nothing happend / nothing unspawned.

The parm is on Start with Event-ID 1000 (default).


Hello, I'm sorry you're having problems with this plugin, I'm currently unable to replicate this problem but I did recently make a demo project for the MV version of this spawner + boundary system so I'll start work on an MZ version. It should be a much faster timeframe to complete this one.

Thank you! I'll get this done as soon as I can!


The demo project has been released! I ended up doing more than I intended to do with it and now have some plans to expand on the demo once this next plugin is completed 100%.

Thank you and I hope it's helpful!

Hey, that's great!

And I found the problem: It's the "VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore" plugin, it also has an event spawn function, but yours is better. ^^

Plugin updated to v1.1 to fix a rare crash which occurred when unspawning an unspawned event followed by switching scenes.