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Kiss Three Fish v1.1.0 Released!

Kiss Three Fish
A browser game made in HTML5

Thank you to everybody who played our game as part of FishFest. We are happy to announce that Kiss Three Fish is now available in v1.1.0! The changes here are rather minor, so let's run down the two changes:

Chinese Localization

The game is now available in both Simplified and Traditional Chinese. The translation was provided by GarrettChan, so a big, big thank you to them for their hard work! As for me, marimo, it was fun making the logos and updating the art assets to be in Chinese. You can see what it looks like in-game above!

Standalone Windows Build

By request, we have also provided a Windows build of the game. If you were having trouble with the HTML5 version, try downloading the Windows build! We recommend using the Itch App to manage downloads for this game, as well as all our other titles.

Thank you so much for playing! Be sure to join our Discord server! Until next game~! ♥


  • Kiss Three Fish - HTML5 - v1.1.0 16 MB
    33 days ago
  • Kiss Three Fish - Windows - v1.1.0 32 MB
    33 days ago
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