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Volume Adjustment and Pause Menu

Quest for Dominion
A downloadable game

Author: Isobel Hammonds

Posted on 11/16/2023

Overview of Work:
- UI Menus: User interfaces the player will use while playing our game. This includes; Main menu, Pause menu, and Options menu.

- Volume adjusting options: This will allow the player to adjust the volume of the game to their preferred listening experience.

Problems I Ran Into: 

Problem 1

- Music scroller doesn't adjust the volume.

      - Problem: When using the scroller the volume would update to the adjusted value. This can cause some players with different hearing sensitivities to not get the best experience they could while playing our game.

      - Solution: After some research and help from a fellow teammate we found functions within Unreal to set and push the new value of the sound to the game.

     - Small note: I am still working on figuring out how to save the scroll's current position so that it is in that same place the next time the player opens the options menu.

Problem 2

- Pause menu not operational in the combat level.

      - Problem: When entering the combat level after encountering an enemy, when the player would press P it would not bring up the pause menu and freeze the game in place. This can cause a multitude of problems for the player, as they will not be able to access the options, cannot exit the game, and will have to constantly restart when this problem occurs.      

      - Solution: After some double checking of our work, a fellow teammate and I found a cast within our blueprints that was one of the big causes of the issue. After that, we decided to move around functionality to better accommodate for the use of the functions within other blueprints in our project.

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Authors Quest for DominionrdionianRaGinCaginJkeithStacyFeldePhantomIsobel

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