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MagBeat Alpha 0.4 - Improved accuracy, moved to godot 4.2, added beatsaber format support

A browser game made in HTML5

MagBeast Alpha 0.4!

BeatSaber Map Format

The biggest new feature today is support for the beatsaber map format. Still super alpha, but works for the most part, the primary issue is that because of the different way the formats track which beats which blocks fall on.

To play custom maps, just unzip the map into the custom maps folder in: 


Each song should be in it's own folder within that custom tracks location. Then when you launch MagBeat, it will recursively scan for these and add them to the new Custom track type in game.

This was mostly just a learning thing for me, I wanted to see how other games format their map files and I also wanted a known baseline to start to work towards a better beat tracking implementation, and there is still a bunch of stuff to do to make it the way I want it (Such as displaying the mappers name clearly), which will largely make up the Alpha 0.5 release in a few days :)

Other changes and fixes

  • Fixed a bug with the targets that meant the beat occurred when a note was half out of the target box. This should make the game feel much better (Reported by Imabout2explode, thanks!)
  • Moved to the latest version of Godot 4.2 to allow the use of some of the new features that are not in the stable release of 4.1. 
  • Fixed a few layout bugs that broke labels and things when changing the size of the window.
  • Moved from the default QWEASD key mapping to defaulting as QWEIOP (Reported by Valdis Gunn, thanks!). This is a much more intuitive layout for the wide view, and the compact view is mainly used for touch screens on phones anyway :)
  • Fixed a bug with the pad mapping where if you started in compact view and then made the screen wider, you could no longer select pads to assign keys/midi events to. 

Plans for 0.5

As previously mentioned, plans for 0.5 include improving the UI for imported and custom songs, but also adding the ability to select a zip file directly and have it added to the library, some minor changes to how difficulty works with imported songs vs MagBeat drum grooves and beats, and a bunch of work to improve accuracy and tweak how imported maps are converted to make them fun to play. 


  • MagBeat Alpha 0.4 Windows 52 MB
    Oct 03, 2023
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