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#3 - Early Release and Anniversary

A downloadable asset pack

Kept ya waiting, huh?

It's been over a year since I started this project. I didn't expect it to go on this long and being frank with you all, it's likely going to take even longer. Maybe a couple more years. Short version is life's a bitch, go to therapy, and consider that making 20+ maps within a year is a ridiculous scope made by a man with stars in his eyes and no thoughts in his head.

LATE SPRING is done! 


Truthfully I've been sitting on two of the three Late Spring maps for a few months now. I've spent the past 3 months working on the REGRET map on and off. I didn't like the idea of submitting an incomplete update but I also didn't like how long this third map has been taking me. It was today that I realized that this project started back in June and I missed the anniversary.

So here's a late anniversary present! The first 2/3rds of LATE SPRING: 



When I started the chapter 2 maps, the first difficulty I came across was, "How the hell do I make it look like it's night?" I ended up deciding to invert the color choices I've made up to this point. I had the default beige I used for the previous maps act as an accent color, with the deep greens and browns acting as the base. You see this really well in the REACTOR DEFENSE map, where the paved area is primarily beige, surrounded by a deep blue-ish green grass. If done like the chapter 1 maps those color choices would have been switched.

But I think these are some of the strongest layouts yet. There is a ton of room for creative enemy placement. I found some fun ways to tell more of a narrative with the types of props used and place throughout (Those wooden barricades look like a rush job, and I wonder how the enemies breached the reactor's defenses??)

For this release, I've axed the GM and Grayscale maps. I'm not sure how much those are utilized and during development I moved to a new workflow that makes it difficult to produce the grayscale maps. If folks want them I'll add them in.

ALSO have an anniversary gift, the Chapter 2 Web resolution maps are free to the public! 

As for the missing third,


I've finished inking out the layout. At this point I have to add all the hashes and little details to give it some texture and a lived in feel. Then coloring. I'm hopeful I can get it done before the end of August, but as with all my deadlines take it with a grain of salt. I genuinely can't wait to share it with you all, it's gonna be a good one.


If I make a shameless cross promotion, for the past two months I took a break from map making and tried my hand at the FIST ULTRA JAM. I wrote and designed an entire Tactical skirmish stealth game based on the FIST Ultra Edition ruleset. It's been a real passion project and a departure from the usual stuff I do. I'm incredibly proud of the work I've done on it, and proud of the team of people who helped me make it even better than I ever could. If you get the time I highly recommend checking it out. If you love metal gear, cool art, and bananas it might also be worth your time. 


  • 21 MB
    Jul 28, 2023