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Bright Oak (demo)
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hello, Itch, and welcome to Bright Oak!

I've been slacking off on posting, but now that everything seems to be proceeding at a decent clip, it feels like a good time to finally set up Bright Oak's main page here on Itch. Going forward, I'll keep semi-regular updates on the game's progress and new developments here (I have been posting updates on the Bright Oak Tumblr for some time now, too, where I also include my more longform musings). 

For now, this is where things presently stand: 

  • First: the script is entirely finished, prologue to epilogue
  • Shoutout to the extraordinarily talented Wudgeous ( of Herotome fame ), who has swooped in to help with coding like the angel they are. Because of them, we’re now up through Chapter 3 rough coded; 
  • Remnantation has finished lining all sprites, and is starting work on coloring;
  • 9/15 music sketches done, as John continues to produce phenomenal work;
  • 22/?? backgrounds complete

To do next:

  • Continue work on the Chapter 3 backgrounds, and get them plugged in;
  • Experiment with some of the ATL Wudge has proposed;
  • Finish implementing coding to date, and push on to Chapter 4;
  • Determine the demo length, and begin planning and preparation for (hopefully) January release of same!

Thank you all so much for taking an interest in this project of mine-- this story, and these characters, have been rattling around in my head for so long now, I can hardly wait to send them out into the world in hopes that they'll resonate with others, too. 💚

Take care, and be well--


Download Bright Oak (demo)
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