Posted January 04, 2025 by Court Magician
#nsfw #adult #corruption #rpgmaker #rpg #animated #cartoon #ugly bastard
Thank you all for following us and for your support this year!
Its true what they say, "you will be disappointed by how little you accomplish in a week, and surprised by how much you accomplish in a year".
[Download the latest version.]
Here's some highlights of what we achieved this year:
2) New Pixel Art!
3) New Discipline Scenes!
5) New intimate Scenes!
6) New Portraits! We updated many of the old character portraits with completely new art, all animated with various poses, outfits, actions and emotions.
7) New NPCs and New Backgrounds!
8) New pdf Manual, New Maps!
Our new maps to explore include secret passages and ways of snooping around the castle!
9) New Skills, Potions, Quests, Dialogs and more!
Its hard to show all of this in pictures, but there has been an incredible amount of work to create a rich and interactive environment for you to play around in. There are quests to accomplish, potions to craft, skills and manipulations to use and more!
All of this was possible through the generous support of patrons like you! If you would like to see all of this new material in game, please download our supporter version and check it out.
We would love to hear your feedback!
If you would like to see us continue our development, add even more content and complete this build, please consider supporting us financially! All of your investment in our game goes directly into new assets for the next build.
Thanks for your support! [Download the latest version of the game here!]