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December 2023 Update Blog (Star Realms + New Online Shop + Life Update)

Happy December everyone!

It's been a while since I posted an update here, so I wanted to let you all know how things are coming along!

Star Realms

For full transparency, in the last few months, I hadn't really had time or motivation to work on Star Realms (turns out I also have ADHD), but I'm happy to announce that the next pack is finally in the works! I am currently working on a farming pack that will include both tileset and icons. I am still in the early stages of working on this, so if you have any requests of what you would like to see included in this, I'd love to hear! For example, are there any produce items you think don't get enough love in farming games you would like to see? Any farming-related features you would need that you would like to see art for? Let me know in the comments!

If you have any feedback of any of my current packs too, please let me know! I haven't heard much yet in terms of issues with anything, so I'd love to hear if there's any improvements to be made for future pack updates. 

Online Shop (Pixel art stickers, bookmarks and more!)

Additionally, another reason why there haven't been many updates on Star Realms is because I've been busy opening my own online shop!

In October I opened my online website Pixel Moon, where I now sell my pixel art on physical products, like stickers and bookmarks! I'm planning to expand  into other products as well, with things like pins and keychains on their way to the store soon. Business there has been starting off a bit slow (which is pretty expected starting something from scratch), but if it's something you are interested in I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out or spread the word!! 

Pixel Moon website

I currently only ship to Canada and US, but am looking into expanding soon hopefully starting with UK and EU markets. I frequently post updates about my shop on Instagram and Tiktok too, where you can find the shop on both under the handle @pixelmoonshop.

I have a Pixel Moon product idea as well that may involve Star Realms art in the future, but it would require a lot of planning and funds I currently don't have to get it manufactured yet. I think if I can continue to grow Pixel Moon as well as my shop, it can definitely be something I can pursue and hopefully introduce to the shop next year. Crossing my fingers!

Long Term Goals and General Life Update

In general, it's been a pretty rough year for me. After being laid off from my old job earlier this year, I've struggled to pick up freelancing work and have also been suffering through some pretty intense burnout. The summer was particularly rough as a lot of things started breaking down and one of my cats had some unexpected health issues that dug a large hole into my savings. The rising cost of living also hasn't helped!

I think a lot of my burnout has to do with splitting my time up with so many freelancing gigs and not getting much out of it. I'm also feeling like I've given up so much of my time to making art for clients, and not necessarily art for myself or art that I want to make. In these last couple of months, I've been making many changes to improve everything, which I feel has helped a lot! Here are some of the changes I've made as of recently:

  • Opening my online shop Pixel Moon to allow myself to make more art I want to make, while also giving me other business aspects to manage so I'm not dedicating 100% of my time to making art/needing to be creative. This has really helped me a lot and I find a lot of joy in working on my business, managing my website, packing orders, and marketing. I thrive really well being able to do a variety of things, which is something my old job offered me as well that I miss. I'm glad that this new venture is allowing me to do things that give me breaks from just art, and I feel like it's allowed me room to be 10x more creative in the process!
  • Reducing the amount of clients and games I'm working on to make ends meet. While this isn't improving my financial situation much, my mood has lifted with less obligations to manage and I can give the remaining clients I have more of my full attention and effort. 
  • Getting my ADHD diagnosis. I long suspected I had it, but it feels relieving knowing that I can put something actionable to my symptoms and get treated appropriately. I've started on meds this week and there has already been a significant improvement to my ability to focus and get things done! This gives me confidence that I can put a lot more regular time commitment to Star Realms and my shop. 

    As for my long-term goals, I think eventually I would like to move away from freelancing in the game industry pretty much altogether (besides maybe occasional commissions!), in order to completely focus on both and Pixel Moon. I've always loved the game industry, but it has been taking it's toll on me and I'm really in a place where I need to do more things for myself. It may be something I go back to later in life, but for now this is where I feel myself headed for the betterment of my mental health.

    Making asset packs here is a bit of a different ballgame, because I really enjoy it and it's art that I want to make and design, without the same pressures that come with freelance work. I plan on continuing that especially so that Star Realms can become something more of a complete series! My plans for the new year are to really ramp up working on it and release packs and updates more regularly. 

    In the new year, I'd also love to eventually be able to take Pixel Moon to markets! My budget is pretty tight atm, so I will probably stick to local and smaller markets to start, and also because I don't have a ton of products just yet! I'm continuing to release stuff regularly though so hopefully that won't take too long! My goal right now is to get into my first market by next summer or fall. 

    Anyway, that was a long update! If you took the time to read this far, here is a virtual cookie for your effort! Thanks so much to everyone who has supported me so far and I'm looking forward to the future and all the new things I have in store!

    Stay awesome, 
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