Posted May 20, 2023 by Archers
Author: JR Leyva
Date: 05/19
As per this week I did quite a lot for AI. I fixed animation, hearing sense, and debugged navmesh issues for the map. For this week I started adding footsteps that is tied to the animation so that the AI and player can use it. This also allows the AI to hear where the player is currently if it is in range of the ears. I also started implementing a shooting behavior for the AI as well. I thought this was going to be somewhat easy, but I was proven wrong. The way I did my AI doesn't currently align with how others would do it.
This means that I am going to revamp or atleast add a new branch and learn how to intergrate shooting to the behavior tree. I am going to have to implement and tie everything that way the behavior tree can access it. I have no idea how I'm going to be doing this, but I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to look up toturials and ask for help around campus.