Posted January 01, 2023 by KagariSoft
#jams #announcement
First kagarisoft jam, the idea of this jam is to help new and veteran developers to create their first or next project. The theme of this Jam will be artificial intelligences, you must include in your story a character that is an AI. The genre of the game can be whatever the developer chooses.
Submission rules:
Does this jam have a prize? - No, the prize would be the completion of a story or the story as you would like to tell it. Take it as a new achievement to improve yourself.
What engine should I use? - You can use any visual novel engine, Ren’Py is recommended. You can also use NaniNovel in Unity.
Can I use this project after the jam? - Sure, the idea of this jam is to help new and veteran developers to create their first or next project.
Can I modify the game after the jam? - Sure!
Can I upload a demo or an incomplete game? - No! Only completed games are accepted.
Can I make a paid game after the jam is over? - If your idea is to generate revenue of course! However, if you are using CC art (free to use) it is recommended and requested that you read the terms of use of those assets.
Where can I find free use assets? - On itch there are a lot of artists who publish free use assets.