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As a godot game, I really like it!

Thank you i’m glad you liked it ^^




Yup, complete with Gunz :p


Mechaz n Gunz


Clocked the last level!

So what is next for you after this?

Cool ! Hope you liked some of the changes compared to the jam version.

Well i was thinking about trying a few other maps with different objectives other than just the destructible targets, like i said i’m gonna keep the scope somewhat small ^^


I was thinking levels as I was playing the last one, perhaps something funneling the player into different locations.

Well more levels without changes to the mission structure is feasable, so i could try to make a couple more and maybe try out some ideas i had but couldn’t do in time for the jam XD

“funneling the player into different locations” Do you mean some less open type of levels ? or maybe maps that have some sort of different routes to reach an area in particular ?


Not sure what would work best with your set up but it would be nice to see some flow to the levels.


Good stuff!

Thank you glad you’ve liked it :)


Its very polished for a solo dev in the time frame. There are a few parts of the UI, movement, and gun behavior that would do well with some tuning. I'm sure you've already got all kinds of tweaks youd like to make. What would be first on your list of stuff to polish up?

Our doors are always open for testing.


Thanks glad you found it polished despite the many issues in its current state. There are sure quite a few things that’ll need adjusting but i can’t really say what i’d tune up first, especially since i’m not even sure if i’ll have time for post jam work yet, but i’ll see.

Thanks for the offer and your interrest, if i get time for updates i’ll probably have a devlog up, so you’ll know when the build is updated if you ever want to test it out again :)


Really enjoyed it, in the Jam Comment I left you my Conclusion about the Game.

Keep up the good Work

The Sniper is OP! The Grenade Launcher is Mäh! :p


Thanks for your comment, i’ll check your more detailed thoughts in the jam page then :)

Haha yeah the sniper is very OP, though i feel my biggest mistake in that regard is to have made it available in one of the characters’s default loadout :p


Really good game. The controls work really well. The movement is really smooth, and the level design is amazing (I really felt that I played an old retro video game, but better).

Thanks man !

It was hell to optimize cause it’s a bit of a mess of meshes holding together with ducktape in some places to be honest (especially the huge bridge in level 2 XD)

But i’m glad you’ve enjoyed it :D


Very well-made videogame for having been completed in a jam. There are unbalances like the sniper is probably the best weapon I tested, and some UX oddities, like showing decision arrows on the level selection screen that does not work until you have completed the tutorial. Still, overall it is a solid product for the time limit you had.

Be proud of it =)


Thanks dude :)

Yeah i’m definitively not the best when it comes to balancing stuff ^^’ i probably shouldn’t have made the sniper available directly in one of the character loadouts cause it is quite OP indeed to get this as a default.

I tried to have the UI be as clear as possible, so my bad if i did poorly in that regard :( Yet the arrows not showing up at all (if that’s what you meant by UX oddities) is probably a bug, for some reason whenever the build gets exported i’ve had some sprites not displaying properly at random so this could be that, but i have no idea how to solve this since it works fine when in the editor :/ cause you can select any level at the level select without completing them.

Glad you found it solid regardless of that Ui/Ux issue, i’m still stumbling a bit since i’m slowly trying things out with fully 3D stuff :p


Nobody is "the best" at anything, so don't feel bad, you made excellent progress from Spinner Defender.

The UI is good enough, I like how the sniper zoom position works nicely in both 3rd and 1st person. Now, I was referring to the arrows not disappearing, or in a better way conveying they can't be interacted with, that at first confused me.

Keep up the good work =)


True that nobody can be the best at everything.

Thanks for your kind words ^^ i surely did learn a lot along the way since then even if 3D so far has quite a learning curve on some aspects XD

I was happy to manage to pull this scope effect off within jam conditions, so fingers crossed fellow jammers will also like it as well once voting starts. Oh i see, yeah i think i didn’t set up the value change on the arrows correctly for menus outside of the character select so they just seem static my bad ^^’