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Hey! Woulda emailed you this but I don't see an email contact. Can I pay you for this some other way than Paypal? I want to give you money for it but can't use Paypal. Thanks!

Right now, is the only way I can accept money for this. But since PayPal doesn't work for you, don't worry about it! Download it for free, print it out, give it away, whatever you want!

Bummer. I'm new to itch, didn't realize Paypal was the only way. Thanks for your work!

(1 edit)

Is there a file with the same cover page as in the picture above (the real sword)? Found that one more stylish, but in my (free) copy it's different.

And huge thanks for this, sir. As a fan of Glorantha who always struggled with it's historically complex rules, and a fan of Pbta and OSR to boot, this is superb.

That was the cover of the first edition. I think i still have the file on my computer; I'll upload it tomorrow! And thank you for the kind words. There are a whole bunch of supplements to the game in the SpeedRune Jam!

Thanks, Aaron. I'll try redownloading it later then. And I'll take a look at the jam too. 

I'm considering getting all the supplements as soon as my (short, atm) budget permits. Which one would you say is the most helpful for adapting/supporting a typical RQ game in Dragon Pass? (besides the awesome material already contained in the basic game, that is).

Here's a link to the version with the old cover:

The supplements are each year-long campaigns. A few have new rules/procedures (like running extended large battles), but none of that is vital, and a lot of it is a conscious step away from RuneQuest lore, being inspired by other books and games.

If you want to run Dragon Pass stuff, I honestly think your best bet is to get the Chaosium supplements for the region and do some quick conversions.

This game is super cool. Currently playing in a PbP game and having a great time.


Ryne forever! If I could, I would give you a free re-roll in the game.

I LOVE this! Your design choices are superb.
I was always intimidated by RuneQuest, but with this I will have something that might itch the scratch and provide a much more accessible AND more interesting system for me.
I feel immediately at home with this, truly inspirational.
Thank you!

Thank you so much! And don't give up on RuneQuest; lots of the adventures and worldbuilding stuff are great for use in SpeedRune. And if you ever get it to the table and/or write some extra content, please let me know!

This game is incredible. The world feels real in a way that doesn't quite make sense considering all the magic and the 6 seasons. It kind of makes me think it's the world that our ancestors probably thought their world was like. 

Thanks for the kind words!

Tremendous new interior art


Yes, it's so good! I've loved Degen's comics for years, so it was a real dream to get to work with him on this.

Very interesting reading, I wrote a review in french.

This is a very insightful review! I left a more detailed comment there. Thank you so much.

Good stuff got better. I love the new art :) BTW is there a way to contact you outside Twitter ? You can send me a message through my website.

Esto es muy bueno!!

no veo las horas de armar una mesa con mis amigues!
