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In my opinion it's a good game, the statistics say that i've played for 40 minutes but those felt like hours upon hours . I'll try other routes someday .

(keep going with the development! <3)


This VN is really one of my top favorites! I really hope we can get an update soon!





long story


holy shit tate route was amazing i loved every second of it hats off to you for that great writting 

(4 edits) (+2)

Ok so, i just finished playing the game (dallan's route) and i must say its pretty good. The art the characters and especially the chibi art (so cute) all of it are pretty good and im hoping that chapter 2 or all of the routes in chapter 1 came out this year. Because this game really got me laughing so much but i gotta hate bean and jerry for interrupting my special time with my love dallan :/


I forgot to mention that the bg sounds very comfy and soothing :) so relaxing.

Another Edit:

I just finished playing Aiden's route and i must say i did not expect that one coming.. (the thing with the headmaster) and i must say it is huge.. but still, doing it with your (soon to be bf's) dad is.. i guess i just really have a different opinion about it.. but the route was good and aiden could get some warm embrace from mc.


This next route must be longer than the others because it's taking awhile


correlation  ≠ causation

(1 edit) (+7)

Some silly thoughts after playing this:

  1. DALLEN I LOVE YOUUUUUU (i wasnt super into him at first but he REALLY grows on me)
  2. Chibi arts are all so cute that I screamed i need very VN to also have chibi arts now
  3. I need Chapter 2 now I think Im not gonna last long without Dallen in my vein (and everyone else too, duh)
  4. Scribble route when?
  5. For a game about fighting horny monsters I honestly expected more thirst traps and random smut (not that i mind, just silly to think about)

im into the laid-back amount of nsfw scenes too. i was also surprised at first, but then realized how much less engaging it would be if it were just a barrage of erotica from start to finish with only a threadbare amount of plot/character development


I really hope there is a route for Aiden's father. I mean, I suppose he is very bad, but maybe if you romance him the route could be about him turning you bad and not the other way around. Could be interesting, who knows.


Just say you want to fuck the lion again 🙄🙄



Just finished and i have to say this in one of my fave vns of all time so far. Dallan is my favorite he feels so warm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i hope the next chapter isnt far away

(1 edit)

I just finished Aiden, practically also Dallan chapter (I left the best to the end, my little Miau miau) and OMG this is so well written, the art is so amazing, the complexity of the characters seems so natural! 

I have a question tho (I hope is okey to ask this xD) are we going to be able to choose the position in the NSFW scenes? like I know there is at least one with Tate where you can, but Idk if with Dallan and Aiden MC is going to be always bottom, I'm a bit curious about it (it would be awesome if you can see all the character in both ways, top and bottom, but I can understand if you are not going to do it, is just curiosity)

Thanks for all your hard work! I love the story so far, i cant wait for more <33

PS: Someone knows how to unlock the second page of Aiden nsfw? I tried different ways but I only got the headmaster and the shower cgs xD


Yup, Cody will definitely top and bottom for each character at least once at some point, for some more than others. :]


This game is sooo good there are some concerns that I have tho in Adriens route I did come across two slurs the first one was when talking to the street vendor u referred to them as the g slur used against Romani people the second one was when u referred to tate as short u used the m slur used against people in the dwarfism/little people community It'd be great if they were taken out and replaced with apropriate terms other than that I really love this game 


I live in a gypsy community and it's not a slur, midget is an offensive word that you probably shouldn't call anyone but you can still joke about it, it's not the n word. Thanks for your concern.


 If you genuinely care about learning about and uplifting minorities I suggest looking into these activists and content creators florida.florian  makes content on mainly tiktok about the gslur and what it means to Romani people and the history of Romani people Aubreysmalls is on both insta and tiktok and he is someone who has dwarfism and talks about the struggles that he goes through and the history of the m slur as well as the history of what average heighted folks did to people with dwarfism its very important to learn the history of these words because these words are so dehumanizing(and are associated with the unaliving of these people)itd be great if you checked their pages out and hear what they had to say about what affects their own communities/gen


My man, I interact with gypsies almost daily, that's what they prefer to be called, they HATE the word 'Romani' in this community, you'll get punched if you call them that to their face.  As for 'midget' bring your commentary to Kevin Heart, idk what to tell you, it's comedy.
Also, nice try Shou Chew, you're not making me install TikTok, I've evaded your app for years I will continue to do so.


you tell them

does it run on 32 bit windows


We need an update

(1 edit) (+2)

So the game finally hit [100 days of update absence] mark… The dark times 🌑 have begun Upon us…


Only hope can save us now... If there's still some left...


No need to be so dramatic, I'm a university student, not dead. Very clear progress can be observed if you know where to look.


Yeah sorry about that, was around 1am when I finished chapter 1 and posted the reply, wasn't entirely myself...

Rome wasn't built in a day, so take all the time nedeed.


All good 👍


And im just a goofing around 🤡 (Honk! Honk!) So you know don’t take this seriously 😌


Hope next public update come eary this year.

YOUR NEXT LINE IS "We'll release when the time come"!!


y need the spanish version


I love this project, but I don't know what to make of it.

The artwork is great, the writing is decent - the characters, the banter, the jokes, it's all competently written, a whole head above the average furry VN level. 

Of course, a lot of it, particularly the worldbuilding, doesn't make sense, but you think: "well, it's a goofy porn comedy game, it doesn't need to make  much sense".

And then the game suddenly shifts gears, completely changes the tone, and tries to tell you a serious story where people suffer and get hurt, get messed up, used, abused, and even murdered. The same goofy porn comedy characters in the same goofy porn comedy world.

It's going for the dramedy genre I guess, but the drama part just doesn't feel to me like it fits in that same world.

Maybe it's just me. 

I still recommend everyone to try it - it's a good project well worth your time.


aiden,my future husband.


Our future husband

I'm not done with Aiden's route yet, but omfg I love him. He is definitely in contention for best husband ever.

(2 edits) (+7)

Aiden and Dallan my beloveds. Can't wait for chapter 2!

Edit: TAAATE 😭 

(1 edit) (+4)

I Pray and hope 4 the second cOmming brother 🔥🙏


Imagine principal route🤌


Mah first VN and im not even done with Aiden's and Dallan's route and i already love the game :D

10/10 uwu

The music sounds comfy :3


How's the devving going? would like to get a little insight or hints at when the next update could be! this is honestly one of my favorite games on itch right now and love every bit of it, art style, story line, all of it. Is there a platform where you post updates that isn't patreon

Is there a way to date 2 at the same time?

No there isn't of my knowledge


Well Aiden's route is enough >-o




Is there like a guide or something for how to unlock all of Tate's CGs?? I'm still missing quite a few...

Lmk please thx!!


There's no guide for CG's at the moment, only for the endings.
I'll make a big, mega guide for all endings and CG's after Chapter 1 is done, but for now you can either experiment yourself trying to find them or ask around for specific indications :>


Ok thank you!!😊😊😊

Can anyone tell me where Chinese is located?

If possible, I would greatly appreciate it

Thank you for your kind help

Although it doesn't work

I didn't expect you to be such a generous and enthusiastic gentleman or ladyI am very gratefulBut perhaps due to regional issues, I am unable to use this website address

Aw, that's too bad :(

I just need to slowly discover this lovely story myself, so I won't bother anymore

Thank you againThank you again for your generosity

It`s the best novel i ever played! Character are wonderful and game are very big but i have a question, is there any way to download or listen to the soundtracks from the game? They are just fantastic

(1 edit) (+1)

I really loved this game!! I can't wait for chapter 2 :D


I have finished this game...and I have one thing to complain...


Is it NSFW or SFW?If it's NSFW I'll play.I like bad things :D



Omg thx!


I loved this! Honestly, I wish there were more games like this on I fell in love with Tate's route so much that I'm not sure if I could do the others haha. I can't wait for the next chapter!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Did the Discord channel just replace all future Patreon posts now? No other post since the server announcment.

And that's a 7€/month paywall? Damn.


Not 'all', just art progress and quick info dumps like "Yo, I just finished another 5 pages of the script, peace." Something I don't want to fill people's email inboxes with. I just don't have anything else to post for now.

And it doesn't matter if it's Patreon or Discrod, the price is the same.

Hello, may I ask how to adjust the language?

Hi, I´ve  been through Aiden and Dallan Routes few times, but i couldn´t open NSFW moments with them , are they available in this version?

(1 edit)

Nope. They simply don't exist yet.

there is currently only NSFW scenes with Aiden and Tate, Tate being the one with the most like 2 or 3, but there is only one with Aiden in his room after you drink the wine. there is an extra one with the Principal on Aiden's routr i believe.

Thanks for ur reply, i really enjoyed the game. So now i will be waiting for an update)

Is there a place I can listen to the music?


A living room usually has the best acoustics, try listen there.

did you mean where can you find the music to listen to?

yes I did lol. Can't say I didn't get a laugh out of the sarcastic answer though 


tate my beloved

(1 edit) (+5)

Just got done with Tates Route and wow its amazing story line which had me on the edge of my seat for so much (not even joking). Ive never really played furry visual novels but i must say i stoked for Chapter 2 for Tates route.

Amazing job you did im not even joking

I didn’t get all gallery options nsfw cause I decided to get the best ending without even knowing it so I think there is only one s- scene with Tate but I’m hoping for more to come for my favorite cat boy


This is one of the very first vns I’ve actually played to the very end. It only took me a few days to complete majority of the first chapter and I enjoyed all the routes. I am excited for what is to come next for this game. 

Tate’s route had me sad and happy which made it the best route for me.

(2 edits) (+5)

One of the best, if not the best and most engaging story I have ever read.

Anyway I am very excited for the next chapter (or update), and hope that It will be as good if not better than this one.
I would also like to express my big admiration for the dev's (MindOfFur's) creativity and talent. It's nothing short of amazing and I just love this story and I hope you will continue to build on it, because it has a huge potential. (I am also currently considering supporting them on patreon, beacuse they deserve it.)

PS, I think I fell in love with Tate. 🤣

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