Futakin Valley

Futakin Valley ver 0.033.15-

These are updates of this game that have been made elsewhere for some time👍

[ver 0.033.15]

The following updates have been made in this version since the last one

- Updated French translation

- Updated Vietnamese translation

- Updated Thai translation

- Fixed a bug that caused the animation to stop

[ver 0.033.16]

- Updated English Translation.

- Updated Chinese translation.

- Fixed a bug that prevented the mushroom boss from starting the battle.

[ver 0.033.17]

- Updated Thai translation.

- Updated Russian translation.

- Added Android 64bit version.

- Improved underwater behavior of the main character.

- Added disclaimer to the logo at startup.

The main character's movement in the water has been greatly improved.

And thank you so much to all who made the translations🤗

[ver 0.033.18]

- Updated Vietnamese translation.

- Improved the behavior of the main character swimming underwater.

- Fixed a bug that caused the main character to hit the ground when falling, even if grab the wall.

- Improved operation of Android 64 bit version.

[ver 0.033.19]

- Fixed a bug that the wall mushrooms were not displayed on Android 64bit version.

Only on Android 64bit version, the wall mushroom was not displayed. This caused a fatal bug because the player could walk out of that room during a battle and be recorded in that state. I apologize for any confusion caused by these bugs🤧


futakenvalley-win.zip 71 MB
Version 0.033.17 Sep 22, 2023
futakenvalley-win64.zip 73 MB
Version 0.033.17 Sep 22, 2023
futakenvalley-linux.zip 76 MB
Version 0.033.17 Sep 22, 2023
futakenvalley-linux64.zip 76 MB
Version 0.033.17 Sep 22, 2023
futakenvalley-mac.zip 75 MB
Version 0.033.17 Sep 22, 2023
futakenvalley-mac64.zip 75 MB
Version 0.033.17 Sep 22, 2023
FutakenValley.apk 78 MB
Version 0.033.17 Sep 22, 2023
FutakenValley64.apk 117 MB
Version 0.033.17 Sep 22, 2023


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Damn it 

I can't play your game anymore if it got suspended!

Is there a way to download ?


Please download it on my fanbox page.


Ain't no way your game got suspended. HOW???


I believe that this suspension will be lifted one day.

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hay mofu, im having an issue with the fat mushroom lady.
the dialogue says "this dialogue was skipped" and the game soft locks. is this a know issue? i ask because i assume its the only way to find hana.


It's most likely a bug🤔 The latest version may have that fixed.

(1 edit) (+1)

sorry but its still broken, not sure why
wait nvm i deleted my files and redownloaded the game and it works now


Thank you for checking that out! It's possible that the file you downloaded was corrupted.


Is the longer water section not accessible at the moment?


Please swim through there without rushing.


I have tried and I always drown. Is it because I'm going quickly??


Pressing the swim button to lose your breath faster. Please go slowly.


How do you get the cutscene by Hana? And also how do you get to the room above the shop?


Please talk to Hana with an empty bottle and Erecshroom. And, for the location above the shop, double jump from a distance and glide and climb the wall.


Thank you!


And another note, what are the chances of getting the Erecshroom?


Erecshroom has a 1% chance of dropping.

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Hey mofu i have a question how do i get inside the village? I defeated all the mushroom the last one was the long legged mushroom


did the game got deleted ?




This game has been suspended by itch admin but not deleted.






Hey mofu. I has question when i defeated Mushira my and her cum in my balls I want to know how how to make my balls smaller? (srry for bad english. Im from Thailand)


Please press the Q key to perform the masturbation. It will make her balls smaller👍


Уважаемый мофу!

Я бы хотел спросить кое что, а именно как скачать? Я даже не знаю куда зайти чтобы оплатить игру и поиграть в неё.

Я нашёл эту игру на каком-то сайте. При этом я даже не заходил в порно-контент. Искал взлом версию моей любимой игры чтобы поиздеваться над бедными нпс. После наткнулся на ваше творение, скачал, понравилось. Подумал что не гуманно получается, я играю в игру которую сделал один человек, я должен найти его и скачать 1:с его сайта(если он есть).

2:найти его на других сайтах и скачать оттуда.

Теперь вы знаете что я вас нашёл☺, но не могу скачать.

буду ждать вашего ответа!


Эта игра запрещена, поэтому не может быть загружена. Пожалуйста, скачайте ее отсюда (pixiv). https://mfr.fanbox.cc/posts/6842868


Now, where can i download the game???


I'm publishing this game here. https://mfr.fanbox.cc/posts/6842868


Здравствуйте, я впервые на подобном сайте. Как скачать игру, я не знаю как потому что даже не понятно где платить и тд


Эта игра была приостановлена администратором itch, поэтому никто не может ее загрузить.


I think this was a gut report to take down the game because there are a lot of games on the site that are extremely worse than yours, and I literally don't see anything wrong.

I hope everything gets resolved


Yes, I hope so too.










Mofu help me! 

I am stuck in 76% of this game. 

Is this game 100% complete or not ?


Sorry, this game is incomplete, so will not achieve 100%.





(1 edit) (+1)

Слушайте Мофу я когда скачал версию 0.34 то у меня появился такой вопрос что вы добавили в других обновлениях? Когда я читал ваши посты в Fanbox то у меня возних такой вопрос не ужели вы вернули бой с фиолетовой девушкой грибом? И за какие крюки можно цепляться хлыстом и после битвы с фиолетовым грибным монстром девушка-корова отнесёт Нен в свою деревню да? 

Listen to Mofu, when I downloaded version 0.34, I had this question: what have you added in other updates? When I read your posts in Fanbox, I had such a question, did you really return the fight with the purple mushroom girl? And what hooks can you cling to with a whip and after the battle with the purple mushroom monster, the cow girl will take Nen to her village, right? 


Крюк хлыста можно зацепить за плавающие грибы с помощью кнопки A. Это позволит вам попасть туда, куда вы раньше не могли попасть👍. Кроме того, была удалена девочка-корова.









(1 edit) (+1)

我在这里发布这个游戏 https://mfr.fanbox.cc/posts/6842868







(1 edit) (+1)

When will we able to get new update? 

And i have complete the game 76% and after that i am unable to find any clue 

Plz reply


Sorry, this game is incomplete. And the next update will be published in the next few days.


hola mofu te iba aser una pregunta ¿tu juego va a cerrar permanentemente y ya no va a estar en itch.io o estás actualizando el juego y lo vas a poner otra vez en itch.io?

Por favor mofu no cierres tu juego 🙏


El desarrollo de este juego continúa👍 También espero que en el futuro pueda volver a publicar este juego aquí.


Damn mengulang dari awal lagi mengahadapi boss yang sudah dan juga control yang bikin makin susah


Izinkan aplikasi ini mengakses file Anda. Jika Anda tidak dapat melakukannya, file tidak dapat disimpan.


hey mofu is 33.20 the latest patch or dose the fanbox need to be updated?


Currently, ver 0.033.20 is the most recent version available on my fanbox.


Что случилось с страницей вашей игры и возможно ли её восстановить? 


What happened to your game page and is it possible to restore it? 


Эта игра была приостановлена администратором itch. Я не знаю, может ли она быть восстановлена😞


Không sao đâu Mofu, tôi tin rằng trò chơi của bạn sẽ quay trở lại, nhưng sẽ phải mất một thời gian dài khi quản lý itch gỡ cái đỉnh chỉ đó. ._.

Tôi cũng đang lo lắng cho trò chơi của bạn và cả tình trạng sức khỏe của bạn ra sao khi trò chơi của bạn bị đình chỉ bởi quản lý itch.🙁

không biết liệu trò chơi của bạn có thể quay trở lại được hay không và sẽ bao lâu nữa quản lý itch mới gỡ cái đình chỉ trò chơi của bạn.🤔

tui cũng đang thắc mắc rằng tại sao trò chơi của bạn lại bị quản lý itch đình chỉ? phải cần có một lý do nào đó để mà giải đáp hoặc Lip đã làm gì đó với trò chơi của bạn....


Cảm ơn elf knight vì tất cả sự hỗ trợ của bạn🙏

Quản trị viên Itch đã cấm trò chơi này vì nó có chứa trẻ vị thành niên. Vì vậy để xuất bản lại trò chơi này ở đây, tôi phải thay đổi nhiều hình ảnh và viết lại văn bản. Nhưng điều đó sẽ mất một thời gian rất dài. Bây giờ tôi sẽ chuyển sang một trang web khác.


Можете мне скинуть ссылку на ваш Fanbox? 

Can you send me a link to your Fanbox?


Я публикую его здесь👍 https://www.fanbox.cc/@mfr/posts/6697811


Mofu kenapa game anda tidak bisa di temukan

Jika memang pindah site tolong beritahu saya



Game ini telah ditangguhkan oleh admin gatal.

lalu lanjutan kedepannya bagaimana?






oh..... i like this game


mabye is the fox littergirl?


It's possible that that fox little girl is the cause of this problem🤔

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