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A member registered Jul 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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I cant play this game with my android

Only fix the bug, nothing new?

Bot most have love with you first

Yap this is what i want, thank you

Why i cant download? Always failed,when I use the others, it runs smoothly

I don't know,I got it when I tried it from the start, lol I repeated it many times

My China phone Redmi 9 can play pubg mobile, arena Breakout, Genshin Impact and why i cant play this game

Damn mengulang dari awal lagi mengahadapi boss yang sudah dan juga control yang bikin makin susah

Thank uzxcvb to help me

Guys can anyone help me how to download on fanbox I'm not used to it 

aku tidak menemukan nya

Mofu bagaimana caraku download game nya,sudah lama tidak bermain game mu ;)

Mofu is now moving to patreon

My honest reaction:WTF

apakah misi ini masih dalam tahap pembangunan?

What's the difference between the demo and paid versions?

Ok, thank u for information

What version do u play?

There is no day 4 right?

Same When I want to download the last version 0.3.3, for some reason I downloaded 0.2.5

We need new update,maybe add pregnant,Milky,new character,or new story 

I hope the developer makes the android version

Dimana aku bisa menemukan gambar yang terkunci itu?

gue kira cuman dari si Wuly doang 

Dan juga ini, bagaimana cara masuk ke desa tersebut?

Aku sudah memiliki semen nya, apakah error atau masih dalam tahap pembuatan?

Apakah di update ini ada cerita baru dan scene segs baru? Terkahir aku bermain ini di versi 41


can you make android version? please please please please 

Can this game be played on Android? The last time I tried, I got a black screen and only sound

I hope soon because I've been waiting for this game to have an Android version 

is this game not supported for Redmi 9 cellphones?I want to play this game, I'm waiting for the Android version. After the Android version appears, I download it and I try to play it, why is it like this? I wait 30 minutes, nothing.

Still waiting next segs Story

What is that?

What is that?

No story update?

I found a bug, I hope you fix it

Can you make android version?

My laptop not support

no, I mean a controller that is in the form of + 

i don't find it