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you did it, im proud of you. This went from a small game to a full fledged steam did a good job and im impressed. I'll try to buy it. you made a full game from a simple start. Good job

To be fair, i didnt bother finishing this one.

But I´ll be honest, it looks great! the game controls very well and the mechanics presented look very promising.

It looks very polished, and must be very fun to play given how much stuff is in the table.

I give it an 8.7/10

is good

How do you use the mantler? It doesn't seem to be welding anything.


How large is the spawning area of the spawner? It's not said in the game but I really need it for a good spawner automation.

11x11 with the spawner in the middle

I'm adding a visual for it in the next update 

Hello. I am trying to get this game to work on my computer but it isn't working. I am on windows 10 on a rather old Dell. When I click on it, it buffers, stops, and then buffers again. Running it in compatibility mode on windows 8 will cause it to look like it does below:

I would appreciate any help on this, any at all. The game runs on a different computer which I believe has a similar (not the same) model and I got through the tutorial. I think this game is absolutely BRILLIANT and can't wait to play.

(3 edits)

Make sure that the folder structure looks like this


(doesn't have to be called "roody2d_0.9.8_install_folder")

If it doesn't, re-install

then while looking inside roody2d_0.9.8_install_folder, double click on roody2d.exe and make sure that works with textures and everything

then try making shortcuts to roody2d.exe

Demo has a different folder structure, with almost everything inside of "content/"


It doesn't seem to work. I tried everything. I still love the idea behind your game.

Does the demo on Steam work?

Sadly no, not that either. It has a similar problem where pressing play just says it's running for a couple seconds with no window before returning to the play button.

When you unzipped the itch demo version, is it in a read-only folder?


Just finished the tutorial in the demo, and it's such an awesome system you've designed! My only wish is that there are gameplay elements that exist outside of just progressing through the tech tree, to justify building such complex factories. By the time I had figured out a way to automate a material for research, so much trial-and-error had happened that I was over halfway there, so I didn't feel the need to go back and find quicker ways to make things.

I'd love to see this kind of system used in more games though, it's like combining all the best aspects of other factory/sandbox games into something approachable but challenging

Deleted 274 days ago

it would be cool if there were mech legs in the game

another thing would be weapons that would fit in with the every block is an item and every item is a block rule, an example would be a launcher which would launch blocks welded to it and spikes or other block that deal damage could be used to make weapons or turrets that would fire blocks welded to the top. just something cool, also mech legs would be awsome.

How long will it be before the steam version is updated to let us load our saves again? I feel it was a bit of a bad step to put out an update that removes the ability to load the saves we've been playing, but hopefully the "demo" will update enough to allow loading again (although switching platforms will be a pain due to file path changes)

Full version releases in October with infinite procedural generated worlds, save/loading, full research tree.

Demo version is just a short taste of the game

Fair enough! A shame I can't continue my save until then since I made the mistake of updating, but I can wait!

Thanks for the quick response!

finally tutorial fixed! now i can start understanding

I'm curious:

When was the last time you tried to play Roody:2d but failed because the tutorial was lacking (what version?)

If the last time you tried playing had a tutorial but it failed, what part of the modern tutorial made the game understandable to you?

like this version where was whole tutorial at once, and i was never get to the end i get to bored, i don't remember what version, but now the tutorial has segments and i can get the part of the tutorial i want

Don't click f11 to go full screen :(

Game is fine, but It really needs a block/item container features.

For example, a shipping crate would fit in the game and useful

(although you need to add more than a container)

What can you not currently do that a container system would allow you to do?

Not a very big problem without it, but it would be a good QoL feature to have.

(It's fine to not add, I saw you said coding it is hard and messy :] )

i was wondering will there be weapons because i think in the older versions i was checking the files and i think i saw one named grenade. i was just a bit curios. i still love playing this game though and the amount of care in it is amazing

Grenade was just a test for the entity system: something simple that could spawn, despawn, bounce around, interact with other objects.

Traditional weapons would break the "every block is an item and every item is a block" rule, so currently, there are no plans to add weapons.

ok i was just a bit curios. have a good day. cant wait to see the new things. :)

I have spent more time than I thought playing this game. On a side note, I need more cores so I built a prototype excavator.

Tapping a direction quickly while in a pilots seat crashes the game when a force core is directly attached to the seat.

I haven't been able to recreate this, can you send the version you are playing on and a screenshot of the contraption that caused the crash?

Nvm, fixed in the upcoming version

how do you bridge wires? i know there isn't a crossing, but is there some contraption that allows for bridging?

definately the one of the best games ive ever played

I love this game! Keep up the fantastic work!   (°ヮ°)👍

Please add a 4-Way wire.

Make game for android

(1 edit)

How do I find water? I can't find any water in the game, and the water recipe tells me that I need water to make more.

Edit: I've generated another world and it has water. Seems it's the map generator being unfriendly and not giving me any water. I think this needs to be fixed by forcing mapgen to generate some water near the starting point.

What's the seed of the original world? (open svars.smp in a text editor)

I opened its world.smp and it says seed is 27220. I'm playing v0.8.4

Collector is doesn't work in new game. It does only in tutorial. Very sad

What materials are you trying to put into the collector?

Do you mean you spawned into a new world that didn't have any collector to use?

Thanks for he bug report


make containers back

Next update will add the collector, but it has a very different purpose

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